Page 22 - scvhs_callahandonationforms19861987
P. 22

File#  _______ _
                                                                                       Restriction:  Yes  / No

                                                          P.O. Box 875
                                                    Newhall, California 91322

                     The  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Historical  Society  gratefully  acknowledges  receipt  of  the
                   following items donated by:
                    Name: _  _:M:...:.=-.r.:::.s..:..•_=-=Ma" -=-r-=i=o-==n:....._;:C;...:ii•~-=C=a=---=l=-=l=a=ha=n..__ _________ Phone:  ( 21 3)  877-3D00

                   Address:  10050  Toluca  Lake  Ave. ,Toluca  Lake,Ca ,9]602

                               Item                       Description                   Additional Info

                        Hames  (2)                   2lf  inches  long,wood               Weathered  white  paint
                                                     with  iron  bracket  and             on  wood.  Metal  parts
                                                     fasteners.One  right  and            slightly  rusted.  No
                                                     one  left  mounted.One  has          distinguishing  marks.
                                                    18  inch  length  of  chain
                                                    attached  to  center  ring.
                        Hames  {2)                   28½  inches  long,  curved             Padlock  No.  338
                                                    wood,  traces  of  white  paint.         altached  to  right
                                                      Slightly  rusted  bracket  and          hame,center  "0"
                                                     fasteners.Both  right  and  left          ring.14  inch  length
                                                      mounted.                                 of  chain  on  rear
                                                                                               "0"  ring.

                        Coach  Wheel                45½  inches  in  diameter  with         Wood  weathered.Iron
                                                    iron  tire  and  hub.  15  spokes  slightly  rusted.  No
                                                     (one  missing)  of  hard  wood.        distinguishing  marks.

                         Buggy  Wheels               40  inches  in  diameter,  with         Na  trace  of  rubber
                              (2)                     16  hardwood  spokes  and  iron        tire  remains.Wood  and
                                                      hub.  Iron  rim  grooved  for          iron  slighly  weathered
                                                      rubber  tire.                          No  di·stinguishing  mark

                        Phaeton  Wheel                42  inches  in  diameter'  with        No  distinguishing
                                                       16  hardwood  spokes.Iron             marks.
                                                     hub  and  tire~Deterioat1ng
                                                       rim  and  one  spoke.
                                             Received this  ~'!laY of   Jttly                _        119 ..8£_

                                             By:,Q& ~ ~41,...M ,/.                   C11~t11;t_
                                             for the Board of Directors. Sa~ta ~it.a Valley Historical Society.

                     I hereby give and bequeath the above stated items tD the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society with tun power 1D
                   use, reproduce or dispose of as determined by the Society's Board of Directors. Restrictions, if any, on the Society's
                   usage of the above items shall be set forth on the reverse hereof, dated and signed by Donor.

                   Date:  July  12 •  1986                  Donor: _________________ _
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