Page 3 - scvhs_docenttraining_saugusstation
P. 3

SAUGUS  STATION                                                                    Page  three

              Kate  Matheson  Fraser,daughter  of  Alexan.d er  and  Ethel  Fraser,  was

          born  at  the  station  on  April.  23,1892.
                                                  Jean  W.Gd]Jftey  is  the  daughter  of  Kate  Fraser

              Tolefree' s  "Saugus  Eating  House"  was  sold  to  Martin.  and  Richard  Wood.
          in 1898,  who  changed  the  n.a.m._e  to  "Saugus  It  occupied  what  was
         later  called  the  Baggage_ Rooa  and  is  presently  a  museua.  Photographs
          frolll  the  period  show  a  Wells  Fargo  Express  Offi:ce, Western  Umom  Tele-

         graph ·and  a  Post  Office.
                                                     Helen  Wood  Come
              On  January  l..8,,  1899  Richard  R.  Wood  filed. on  a .. piece  o:f.  land  w:e.s,t
         of  the  railro~  tracksf'comm:elllcing  at. _the  telegraph  pol.e.>  near  the
        -north.east  ·corner  of  th.e  presemi.t  blacksmith  shop  at  Saugus."  This

         is ·true  first  indication··  there _was  anything  in  Saugus  other
         than  the  station.  Martin  Wo-od  had · the  Smithy.
                                                   -Los  Ang,eles  County  Assessor
              Cowhoys  used  to  sh.oot,.up  the.  station.  as  their  way  of  greeting  in-
         commi.Illlg  traias.                 ~- ......  : .
                                                    -l¼ele:n  Wood  Cone

             President  Theodore  Roosevel.t  visited  the  statio&. ill May  of  1.903.
         then  went  out  to  the·Acton  Hotei  as  a  guest  of  Governor, Henry  T.

         Gage,  who  owned;  several.  mines ' i:n  the  area.
                                                   : Anita  Ruby  Jenki1ur Kellogg

               Richard  Wood  buil.t .. a ·smali .. brick ·building  on.  ms  property ,m.oving
         the  Sa.u~us  Cafe  across  the  tracks,mi.ext  door  to  his  brother's  blacksmith.
         shop  in_ l.905.
             Ore  w.  Bercaw  became  Station Ma&ter  in  December  l.906.,;  a
         gemeral  store  south  of  the  Saugus  Cafe  a  year  later(l.907).

         Kel1.ogg,  who  owned  a  fara.  at  Bouquet  Junction,  do:ruated  a  piece  of
         land  in 1907  for  a  school..  Bercaw,Martin  Wood  alllid  Mr.  Osborn ..  kicked
         im  SlOO  each  for  a  hoard  and  batt  schoolhouse,hiril!ll.g  Miss" Margaret  O •
         GorJ1Dell,  .fron  San  Jos.e.:,,  as:  the  :.t:'irs_t  teacher •.

             The  Surrey  Post  Office  m.ov.ed  into  Bercaw's  Store,  then~  on. September
         4,  1_9].5,  becaae  Saugus  P.O.
                                                          Arthur  W.  PerkiDJ.s
             T)Ne  Saugus  Station  shipped  cattl.e vega.tables,ore  and  holli.ey,droppi.nig
         off  supplies  for  merchants,  faraers  and  miners,.  while  providing  passenger

         service •.  Elias  Jr."Luck.y"  Bal.dwim,William  Work.nian.,Fraruci~  P.L.F.Tem.ple  and.
         J:alnles  A.  Reavis( "The  Baron  of")  were  som.e  of  the  early  visitors
         on.  their  way  to  the  Lazy  z  Ra:ach  of  Bil1- Jenkins  at  Ca         st  aic.

                                                          Am.ta  Ruby  Jel\llkins  Kellogg,
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