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interest only loans.  The proposed transaction will include principal and interest payments with
                  full repayment of principal in 30 years.

                  The attached resolution approves the POS and confirms the Agency’s financial policies.
                  The POS is the Agency’s disclosure document and it is important that Management and the
                  Board of Directors carefully review this document prior to approval.  The POS discloses material
                  information on the offering of the refunding revenue bonds and this information is used by
                  potential investors to evaluate the credit quality of and potential risks associated with the
                  Agency’s bonds.  The POS includes information on the Agency’s finances and how the bonds
                  would be repaid, as well as general information on the financial and economic characteristics of
                  the Agency and its service area, the Agency’s water supply situation, the Agency’s long-term
                  capital improvement program and litigation.  If any Director has questions or comments about
                  any of the information contained in the POS, or with respect to information that would be
                  material and should be included in the POS, please contact the Assistant General Manager
                  before or after the meeting.  The Valencia Water Company Board of Directors approved its
                  portion of the POS on December 28, 2018.
                  The JPA Board must also approve a resolution approving the POS and authorizing the sale of
                  revenue refunding bonds.  The bonds will be sold on January 16, 2018 with the closing and
                  refunding of the existing loans on January 31, 2018.

                  Interfund Loan – 2018A Revenue Refunding Bonds

                  The attached resolution establishes an Interfund Loan between the Valencia Water Division
                  (VWD) and the wholesale system for the payment of the annual debt service associated with the
                  2018A Revenue Refunding Bonds.  A draft payment schedule is attached based on market
                  conditions of the week of December 18, 2017.  The exact payment schedule will be the actual
                  debt service based on the sale of the bonds.  All payments will be funded by the VWD.
                  Projected VWD revenues are sufficient to pay the debt service, the amount of which is projected
                  to be equivalent to the amounts currently being paid on the existing loans.

                  Interfund Loan – Reimbursement of the Acquisition Costs of the Stock of the Valencia
                  Water Company

                  The attached resolution establishes an Interfund Loan between the Valencia Water Division
                  (VWD) and the wholesale system to reimburse the Agency for the purchase of the stock of the
                  Valencia Water Company.  The Agency purchased the stock in 2012 at a price of $58.6 million.
                  The Agency used a combination of 2006A and 2011A bond proceeds for this purchase.  The
                  Agency’s financial advisor calculates the combined cost of the bond issues at 4.5 percent, and
                  prepared the Interfund Loan payment schedule (attached to the resolution) based on that rate of
                  return.  The payments will be credited to one percent property tax revenues (60%) and Facility
                  Capacity Fees (40%), and will be used to fund capital improvement projects and debt service
                  associated with capital improvement projects.

                  Projected VWD revenues are sufficient to pay the Interfund Loan payments.  In general, the
                  payments will be funded from funds that were previously used to pay taxes and franchise fees,
                  consistent with SB 634’s provisions on indebtedness.


                  All costs associated with these transactions will be assigned to and fully funded by the Valencia
                  Water Division.

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