Page 35 - sfdcoronersinquest
P. 35

1    always the case with dams, sometimes                  we  find dams yield quite perceptibly.


             3                Q    Is there any place where the contactd of the concrete with the rock is exposed at present on that middle section?


             5               A     No, the section rests flat on the                ""- where it was built. They tell me going down stream, some of the engineers been out there,


                                  a great    llBl'l7  been there, they have been in the office looking for data they want to have supplied.

            8                                                                      , tell me there is one piece down stream,

            9                                 I  haven't seen it, that tore off the bottom.

           10                Q     Was there      &JV  grouting anytime beneath the dam?



           13     the usual flattening of an arch?

           14                A     None.       I  tried to detect that because I have had experience with arches.

           15                                        The dam was unusually tight after the first year's experience, and the second, and this year

           16                                                                                    u»  to iwthin a week or two ago.

           18                      By Mr. Scott:
           19   1   construction of the St. hancia Dam, axq  apprehension oraD7  uneasiness on the part of engineers

                                                                   of the Department of Water and Power, that it was about to break?

           21                      1

           22                 A    No.

                              Q    You didn't have         aJV"  on the Monday that you wer out there?


           25                A     No, I  didn't.

           26                Q.    By the Coroner:          did any employee indicate to you they were afraid the dam was unsafe?


           28                A  Absolutely  none, no sir.

           29                Q     Did you know any employees were contemplating moving their families out of the camp?

                             A     I knew them both.

                  Ely, and both in the closest kind of contact with Van and I when we were up there laying out some work.I

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