Page 20 - skylineranch111317
P. 20

The Second Amendment to the VTTM, proposes the following:

                   a. Reconfiguring of age-qualified single-family residence lots to enhance active recreation areas
                      within the approved project development footprint.

                   b. Adjustment of pad  elevations  for the  improved privacy of the single-family  residence lots
                      adjacent to private recreation centers and private park and to accommodate balancing grading
                      on-site, avoiding export due to the moving of earth material.

                  c. Alterations to the private drives and fire lanes, consistent with the reconfiguration of lots and
                      reduced grading to ensure that the proposed design conveys vehicles and pedestrians through the
                      area at acceptable service levels at build-out of the development, avoiding connection in or
                      through existing residential neighborhoods and preserving the west side of Skyline Ranch Road
                      as undisturbed open space.

                  d. Replacement of one multi-family residence lot proposed for new, detached single-family residence
                      condominium units,  with  156  single-family  residential lots, 40  fewer than the original  2010
                      approval, bringing the total single-family residential lots to 1,220.

                  e. All applicable Conditions of Approval for VTTM 060922, CUPs 04-075 and 200900121 and
                      OTP 200700021 shall remain in effect for this proposed Amendment to VTTM 060922 except
                      for those conditions specifically called out to be modified by these entitlements (see attached
                      Amendment Map Conditions and CUP Modification Conditions Addendum).

               4. CEQA Addendum Findings Pertaining to Project Modifications

               CEQA Section 15164 authorizes a Lead Agency to prepare an Addendum to a previously certified
               EIR if changes or additions to the document are necessary, but none of the conditions described
               in Section 15162 are present, as described below:

               •  No substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous
                  EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in
                  the severity of previously identified significant effects;

               •  No  substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances  under which  the
                  project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement
                  of new  potentially  significant environmental effects  or a substantial increase  the  severity of
                  previously identified potentially significant effects;

               •  No new information of substantial importance, which was not known, and could not have been known
                  with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was adopted as complete,
                  shows any of the following:

               •  The project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR:

                         •   Potentially significant effects previously examined will not be substantially more severe
                             than shown in the previous EIR:

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