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                                            MARSHALL WILKINGS

                                              PROMOTER & GENERAL MANAGER

          Lyn Pherigo          Publicity & Program Director         George Stiles                     Chief Steward
          Virg Kilpatrick                       Announcer           George Ayers                             Starter
          Helen Wilkings                   Office Manager           Max Prusa                       Assistant Starter
          Rob Parker                   Track Photographer           Monte Monteleone              Technical Director
          Gladys McVea                        Ticket Office         Frank Click                  Technical Inspector
          Mary Duran                          Ticket Office         Darlene Ayers                       Chief Scorer
          Carole Hindman                      Ticket Office         Brynda Stiles                Pit Gate Mgr./Scorer
          George Duran                     Front Gate Mgr.          Stephanie Taylor                 Pit Gate/Scorer
          Herb Thompson                      Head Fireman           Cindy Monteleone                        Pit Gate
          Gary Nevieux                        Safety Crew           Bryce Arnold                        Pit Manager
          Gumie Rodriguez                     Safety Crew           Tony Prusa                     Communications
          Kim Parry                           Safety Crew           Barry Wood                           Pit Steward
          Mark Canning                        Safety Crew           Tony Olsen                        Track Steward

         Saugus                                                                                            Every
           SPEEDWAY  Swap                                           MEET  SUNDAY

                                                  BUYERS  $1.00
                                                                          SELLING  SPACES  $10.00  &
         l   GATES  OPEN  6:00 AM              PLENTY OF  FREE  PARKING

                                                                          OLIMPIC  RACING  ASSN.



                GREEN  FLAG        Displayed at the  start of practice,  qualifying or a  race.  The  track
                                   is  under fu II  racing conditions until  any other flag  is shown.
                RED/YELLOW         Comp I ete restart.
                YELLOW  FLAG       Caution,  go slow,  single file,  hold your position,  no  passing.
                RED  FLAG          Danger,  stop  immediately at first safe opportunity.  Track totally
                                   unsafe for racing.
                BLACK  FLAG        Tells a  driver  he  has something wrong •••• either with  his  car or his
                                   driving technique •••• that cou Id  endanger the safety of other drivers
                                   on  the track.  In  either case,  the flag  means slow  immediately for
                                   consu I  tat ion with  pit crew or race officials.
                WHITE  FLAG        Signifies one  lap remaining  in  either race or qualifying.
                CHECKERED          End  of race or final  qua I ifying  lap.
                BLUE/YELLOW        Informs  drivers they are  being  lapped by faster  cars.  It  is  mandatory
                                   and must  be obeyed.
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