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"THE  MILLIONAIRE"  doesn't  give                        HERE'S  THE  BEEF  - ten  coupons  to
       408  away  millions  on  TV  anymore  but  you           412  Beef  Heaven.  You  and  nine  friends  will
       may  become  a  ''Million  Dollar  Baby''  by  practicing   enjoy  top  sirloin  steak  dinners,  complete  with  baked
       with  this  ''Millionaire''  video  game.  Fits  most  major   potato,  salad,  and  coffee.  Umm  good.  There's  no
       home  or  business  computers  and  allows  a  player  to   rationing  of  quality  here.  No  take  out  dinners,  chil-
       play  the  stock  market,  manage  his  or  her  portfolio   dren  must be accompanied by an adult.
       and  never  lose  a  cent.  Taxatron  will  provide  you                                  The Happy  Steak
       the game for  your computer,  call  to  order yours!
                                                Taxatron                 PAINLESS.  .  .yes,  this  dental  exam  is
                                                                413 painless,  and  it's  good  for  you,  too!  In-
                RUNNING  AROUND  IN  SMALL  CIR-                cluding  all  necessary  x-rays,  consultations,  and
       409  CLES  kicking  up  dust?  Well,  put  that          cleanings.  Two  persons  will  receive  all  of  the  above
       footwork  to  good  use  on  your  Vitamaster  RC  80    from  Dr.  Tanner.  Please  schedule  prior  to  February,
       Exercycle.  With  roller  tension  wheels, tension  knobs,   1985.
       speedometer,  odometer,  and  more,  pedal  your  way                           Dr. David A.  Tanner,  D.D.S.
       to  fitness  today!
                                    Willis'  Sporting Goods              TRAVEL  EASY  and  use  this  $50  certifi-
                                                                414  cate  for  airline  tickets  wherever  you  want
                GOT  AN  AUTOGRAPHED  PIC  of  Fa-              to  go.  Must  be used  no later than  12-15-84 and trip
       41 0 bian  that's  getting  a  bit  frayed  around  the   tickets  must be of equal value,  or more.  BON VOY-
       edges?  Is  your 8  x  10 glossy  of Joe  DiMaggio  look-  AGE.
       ing  ragged?  This  one's  for  you.  One  8''  x  1 O''                                    Air Ease  Travel
       photographic  copy  for  each  of two  old,  new,  or an-
       tique  photographs.  Minor  restoration  included.  Can           A  STREET  CAR  NAMED  DESIRE,
       be two  photographic copies  of the same shot, if  you   415  Oklahoma,  Brigadoon,  are  all  classic
      like.  Use  before June 30,  1985.                        movies  we  can  now  enjoy  in  the  comfort  of  our
                David's Photography  and Video  - Newhall       home.  whether  you  prefer  adventure,  comedy,
                                                                drama,  fantasy,  science  fiction  or suspense,  you  can
                                                                rent  the  VHS  movie  of  your  choice  when  you're
                                                                the  lucky  winner  of  this  Lifetime  Membership.  Be-
                                                                sides  a  substantial  discount  on  movie  rentals,  there
                                                                is  a  myriad  of  other goodies  for  your approval.  Dis-
                                                                counts  on  accessories,  blank  tapes,  movie  pur-
                                                                chases, and  many,  many  more. So,  go home to  the
                                                                movies tonight.
                                                                         The Video  Station  Marc  Shulman, Owner

                                                                         SOME  STYLES  NEVER  CHANGE  and
                                                                416  the  elegance  of crystal  is  timeless. See this
                                                                beautiful  hand cut,  30%  lead  crystal  Anka  bowl.  It's
                                                                imported from  Italy  and the  quality  shows.
                                                                                                  B.  Pecel & Sons

                                                                         NOT  SINCE  '57  and  the  Russian  Sput-
                                                                417  nik  have  you  had  a  chance  to  be  so  ex-
                                                                cited  about  airborne  activity.  The  lucky  winner  of
                                                                this  item  gets  one  skydive  jump,  complete  with
                                                                parachute.  See  yourself  on  video.  Winner  must  be
                                                                16  or  older,  parental  consent  required  if  under  18.
                WHEN      YOU'RE       CRUISIN'     THE         Call  to  schedule  before  12-9-84 and  hold  onto your
       411  DRIVE-IN  you'll  want  your  music  to  be         hat!
       the  ultimate.  The  chicks  will  flip  for  this  Panasonic               California  City  Parachute  School
       Model  CQ-6868EU  FM/  AM/FM  Stereo  and  cassette
       player  car  audio  system.  It  has  FM  optimizer  MOS-          I LIKE  IKE!  That was  the  national  cry  in
       FET  and adaptive  FM  front  end,  distributed  multi-  418  the  50's.  Now  it's  I  like  Washington,
       stage  AGC  on  AM  band,  repeat  track  cassette       Jackson,  and  Lincoln,  at least  as  far  as  faces  on our
       player  with  locking  FF /Rew,  hard  permalloy  head,   money goes!  Here's a  rare  find,  an  1881  Silver Dol-
       and  compact  chassis.  So  for  the  most  in  sound,   lar,  mint  state  63.  It's  a  beauty,  and  will  only  go
       you'll want this  hip  system.  Installation  excluded.   up in  value  while  you own it.
                                  Sound Man  Car Stereo                                      Valencia  Coin  Gallery
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25