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Silent Auction

     2 18  Are  You  Stuck  in  a            11 Parent        2 2 2       11 The Desk Set" will  really want to sit
                 Trap"? Free yourself and send that little                on this one!  No more aching backs with
     darling to school. This semester of pre-school training   this state-of-the-art secretarial chair. This sand-colored,
     goes Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from          fabric chair has fingertip lift control to adjust the back
     8:15 a.m. to  11 :15 a.m ., starting  July 27, 1987, until   and seat to give the winner of this item a custom " fit" .
     December 18, 1987. Your child must be four years old     All  you  secretaries,  make  your  bids.
     before  December  1,  1987.  Who  knows,  you  might                                       Thacker  Stationers
     bring  home  an  entirely  different child!
                        New Beginnings  Learning Center              ~  We  Had  Fun  emptying  this  great
                                                              2 2    .:,   selection of Jim Beam Collector's Edition
                                                              bottles!  Attractively  displayed,  you'll  agree  that  this
                                                              great collection is something you won 't find at Trader
                                                                                                        Bob  Ross

     219  You'll Feel Like a "Top Gun" when
                 you  climb  into  this  Grob  103  glider
     in Tehachapi. You will feel as the birds do when your
     experienced  flight  instructor takes you  up and  away
     on your very own glider ride. And, if you are so inclined,
     you can receive ground and flight instructions that can
     be logged toward a pilot certificate.  By appointment.
                                         Lorrin  Peterson

     2 20  You'll  Recover  Quickly  from  this
                 one!  In this case, more is  better with this
     American Appliance 40-gallon water heater with a full
     10-year  warranty  instead  of  the  usual  three-year
     warranty. Your American water heater is a hi-recovery
     model to assure that there's always enough hot water.
     Installation  not  included.
                     Amfac Supply  Company  - Van  Nuys       2 2 4       Hello, Dolly! And  what  a dolly  you 'll
                                                                           have.  This  completely  hand  made,
     2 2 1       Movie Marathon! How many movies               delicate  porcelain  doll  is  dressed  in  a  hand  made
                 can  you  watch  in  a year? You'll  be able
     to answer that question if you're the winner of this great   christening dress, which is white lace over peach. You'll
                                                               have to see it to believe it. The story goes that as your
     item. You  will  have an  unlimited choice of movies for
                                                              first-born  is  christened, you  remove  dress from  doll,
     a  whole  year. Oil  up the  VCR  and  start  watching!   your baby is christened in  dress, then you can return
                                Video  Magic  Video  Store    the  dress  to  the  doll, to  await  the  next  christening .
                                                               Unique  idea!
                                                                                              One-Stop  Doll  Shop

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