Page 25 - tn9001
P. 25


                                  7¥6Z  ~                                                7¥  66 ~
                Lunch with Senator Ed Davis.  What a Capitol idea!  Two   Street Named for You.  Would you like to live on Linda
                lucky people will be flown  round- trip from  Burbank  to   Lane?  Or maybe Smith Circle is your style.  Your wish is
                Sacramento on USAir to the State Capitol for an exclusive   our command as you take advantage of a rare opportunity
                lunch with our very own Senator Ed Davis and his lovely   to have a street named after you in an upcoming American
                wife, Bobbie. After a delicious repast, you'll enjoy a tour of   Beauty project.  You'll proudly point out to  friends and
                the Capitol building with Mrs. Davis.  At day's end you'll   relatives your namesake!  Name must be mutually agree-
                check into one of Sacramento's finest hotels, Holiday Inn,   able and approved by the L.A. County Mapping Division.
                Capitol Plaza.  Dinner for two and an overnight stay are                         American Beauty Homes
                also included in your day's visit to our state's Capitol. Use
                by 3/15/91.
                                         Senator and Mrs. Ed Davis
                                          Trove/host Travel Agency

                                  7¥6 3  ~

                1,000 Lottery Tickets.  Lady Luck may smile on you!  Has
                it been your dream to quit your job? Sail around the world?
                Build the house of your dreams?  Or just pay for junior's
                orthodontics bill?  Whatever your desires, with 1,000 lot-
                tery tickets, your dreams of riches may all come true.
                                       Burke Catering and Vending
                                  7¥ 64 ~

                Baseball Fantasy. The ultimate get- away is yours with this
                dream-come- true, four days and three nights for  two to
                Chicago  to  see  the  1990  All- Star  major league baseball
                game at Wrigley Field!  You'll be staying at The Hampton
                Inn O'Hare where luxury is in style.  Round-trip airfare
                will be furnished by Midway Airlines, the new "Los Ange-
                les connection to Chicago and beyond"! You'll receive two
                tickets to the 1990All-Stargame, July 10, 1990.  So, it's root,
                root, root for the best team, and you'll be there!
                                                    Midway Airlines
                                               Hampton Inn Hotels
                              Mr. and Mrs.  Garv Condie, AME Label

                                  7¥ 65 ~

                Ring.  Lady's blue topaz and diamond ring.  14Kt. yellow                 7¥  67 ~
                gold, 24 diamonds weighing a total of .60 cts.
                                    A Friend of the Boys & Girls Club   Fantasy Victorian  Dinner.  What  more could  you  ask?
                                                                       Your party of eight will dine with Scott and Ruth Newhall,
                                                                       at their elegant Victorian "castle" in Piru.  Your party of
                                     This symbol appears on            eight will be offered an unforgettable six- course formal
                                   bidboards when a change or          dinner, complete with cocktails and vintage wines.  Maids
                                    correction has been made.          and butler will cater to your every whim, and afterwards,
                                                                       your party will be treated to a tour of the mansion. Mutual
                                  Please refer to  the Addendum.
                                                                       schedule of donor and buyer before April 1, 1991.
                                                                                                Mr.  and Mrs.  Scott Newhall
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