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University of California, Davis
                                              NAGPRA Compliance Report

                                                     September 10, 2018

               under NAGPRA Summaries require tribes to initiate the repatriation process with written claims. In
               2018, a tribe claimed one of these collections, containing 13 cultural items. UC Davis has filed a Notice of
               Intent to Repatriate with National NAGPRA and is awaiting its publication, which will enable the
               repatriation of these items. UC Davis has determined that it does not hold any materials known to meet
               the definition of sacred objects or objects of cultural patrimony under NAGPRA, however, one
               consulting tribe has asserted generally that entire collections are funerary objects, sacred objects, or
               objects of cultural patrimony. Consultations with tribes are on-going.


               UC Davis’s NAGPRA Inventories were submitted to potentially affiliated tribes with invitations to consult
               and the National Park Service in 1995 and subsequently by the deadlines established by the future
               applicability regulations. UC Davis has completed 55 NAGPRA Inventories, 15 of which were determined
               to be culturally affiliated, 40 of which were determined to be culturally unidentifiable. In 1995 cultural
               affiliation determinations were made based on available information, primarily linguistic and
               archaeological information. Inventories are currently being systematically re-evaluated in consultation
               with tribes to re-consider cultural affiliation determinations and ensure accuracy and completeness. UC
               Davis is actively engaged with tribes to better understand traditional lines of evidence as well as
               consider newly available scientific information. In the last year UC Davis has culturally affiliated five sites
               previously determined to be culturally unidentifiable, and is actively engaged and anticipates additional
               sites will be affiliated. In addition, UC Davis is systematically reviewing collections to ensure all eligible
               materials, human remains and funerary objects, are included on revised Inventories. Through this
               review process, UC Davis has identified a significant number of objects determined to be funerary
               objects, and added them to revised Inventories.

               NAGPRA Reorganization and Institutional Support

               In 2011, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph Hexter convened and charged a NAGPRA Advisory
               Committee to provide recommendations on campus policies, procedures, and compliance efforts. This
               committee includes campus representatives from a number of disciplines as well as representatives
               from two local tribes. In 2014, as a result of these discussions, the campus hired a NAGPRA Project
               Manager, centralized NAGPRA compliance activities under the Office of the Provost, and dedicated
               additional campus resources to NAGPRA. The NAGPRA Project staff now includes three full-time
               dedicated staff members and is charged with developing a proactive compliance program. In addition,
               the Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor and Senior Campus Counsel carefully oversee NAGPRA
               compliance activities. In 2016, Professor Beth Rose Middleton Manning, Professor of Native American
               Studies, with strong relationships in many California Indian communities was appointed to represent the
               campus on the UC Systemwide Advisory Group. These changes demonstrate the campus’s commitment
               to improving NAGPRA compliance and relationships with Native American tribes.


               UC Davis has developed a proactive outreach and consultation program. In the last three years
               approximately 42 tribes have been invited to consult on NAGPRA Inventories or Summaries. Fourteen
               tribes have come forward to engage in the consultation process. Consultations range from phone calls,
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