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ACADEMIC AND STUDENT                          -2-                                          A3
               AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
               September 27, 2018

               advise the President or designee regarding campus implementation of and compliance with the
               Policy and related applicable law and regulations; 2) review campus decisions regarding
               potential cultural affiliation and repatriation of Native American or Native Hawaiian remains and
               Cultural Items, and report its findings and recommendations to the President or designee;
               3) make recommendations to the President or designee for revisions to the Policy and any
               associated guidelines; and 4) assist in the resolution of disputes that may arise in connection with
               this policy. Campuses may further establish their own local NAGPRA advisory committees. The
               three campuses with museums housing NAGPRA-covered human remains and cultural items
               have established such committees (Berkeley, Davis, and UCLA).

               In 2001, California passed the California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation
               Act (CalNAGPRA) to facilitate repatriation to California Indian tribes, in part because at the
               time the federal NAGPRA repatriation requirements applied only to remains and cultural items
               requested by culturally affiliated, federally recognized tribes and the regulations required
               museums to retain possession of culturally unidentifiable remains (including remains associated
               with non-federally-recognized tribes) pending promulgation of regulations for that purpose
               unless legally required to do otherwise or recommended to do otherwise by the Secretary of the
               Interior.  CalNAGPRA requires that the State develop processes for according official State
               recognition to Native American tribes and issue a list of such state-recognized tribes for the
               purposes of repatriation. While the State has not yet issued guidelines for this process, the UC
               Cultural Repatriation Policy includes a provision specifying that the University will repatriate to
               State-recognized tribes, which is consistent with CalNAGPRA.

               Current Status of NAGPRA Activities

               Each campus with NAGPRA-covered collections has completed inventories and summaries of
               human remains and cultural items as required by federal NAGPRA and has provided copies to
               relevant tribes as well as to federal officials for publication in the Federal Register, as required
               by law. Campus overviews of the current status of their NAGPRA activities are attached to this

               Historical Tensions

               Human remains and associated materials have come to UC campuses by a wide variety of means,
               including archeological digs, unintentional discoveries, transfers from county coroner’s offices,
               and donations. Regardless of the means, the difficult, fraught, and often tragic context in which
               human remains and objects were removed from their burial locations, often without the consent
               of descendent communities, is well-documented and acknowledged, and this history
               overshadows tensions about university collections that include Native American remains and
               associated cultural items.

               1  Since then, federal NAGPRA regulations were promulgated that require museums to offer to transfer culturally
               unidentifiable remains to federally-recognized tribes, and that specify that museums may make dispositions of
               culturally unidentifiable remains to non-federally recognized tribes when there is no request from a federally-
               recognized tribe, upon recommendation of the Secretary of the Department of Interior.
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