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                               [Mineral Resources of the United States, 1885.]

         The publications of the United States Geological Survey are issued in accordance with the statute
        approved March 3, 1879, which declares that
         " The publications of the Geological Survey shall consist of the annual report of operations, geological
        and economic maps illustrating the resources and classification of the lands, and reports upon general
        and economic geology and paleontology.  The annual report of operations of the Geological Survey
        shall accompany the annual report of the Secretary of the Interior.  All special memoirs and reports
        of said Survey shall be issued in uniform quarto series if deemed necessary by the Director, but other-
        wise in ordinary octavos.  Three thousand copies of each shall be published for scientific exchanges
        and for sale at the price of publication ; and all literary and cartographic materials received in exchange
        shall be the property of the United States and form a part of the library of the organization : And the
        money resulting from the sale of such publications shall be covered into the Treasury of the United
         On July 7, 1882, the following joint resolution, referring to all Government publications, was passed
        by Congress
          ' That whenever any document or report shall be ordered printed by Congress, there shall be printed,
        in addition "lo the number in each case stated, the 'usual number' (1,900) of copies for binding and
        distribution among those entitled to receive them."
         Except in those cases in which an extra number of any publication has been supplied to the Survey
        by special resolution of Congress or has been ordered by the Secretary of the Interior, this Ofiice has
        no copies for gratuitous distribution.
                                        ANNUAL REPORTS.

         Of the -^liUual Reports there have been already published
         I. First Annual Report to the Hon. Carl Schurz, by Clarence King.  1880,  8°.  79 pp.  1 map.—
        preliminary report describing plan of organization and publications.
         II. Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey for 1880-'81, by J. W. Powell.
        1882.  8°.  Iv, 588 pp.  61 pi.  1 map.
         III. Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1881-^82, by J. W. I'owell.
        8°.  xviii, 564 pp.  67 pi. and maps.
         rV. Fourth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1882-'83, by J. W. Powell.  1884.
       8°.  xxxii, 473 pp.  85 pi. and maps.
         V. Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1883-'84. by J. W. Powell.  1885,
        8°.  xxxvi, 469 pp.  58 pi. and maps.
         The Sixth and Seventh Annual Reports are in pjess.

         Of the Monographs, Nos. 11, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI are now published, viz:
         n. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District, with atlas, by Clarence E. Dutton, Capt. U. S. A.
        1882.  4°.  xiv, 264 pp.  42 pi. and atlas of 24 sheets folio.  Price $10.12.
         III. Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District, with atlas, by George F. Becker.
        1882.  4°.  XV, 422 pp.  7 pi. and atlas of 21 sheets folio  Price $11.
         IV. Comstock Mining and Miners, by Eliot Lord.  1883.  4°.  xiv, 451 pp  3 pi.  Priee $1.50.
         V. Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior, by Roland D. Irving.  1883.  4°.  xvi, 464 pp.  15 1.
        29 pi.  Price $1.85.
         VI. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Mesozoic Flora of Virginia, by Wm. M. Fontaine.
        1883.  4°.  xi, 144 pp.  54 1.  54 pi.  Price $1.05.
         VII. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada, by Joseph S. Curtis.  1884.  4°.  xiii, 200 pp.  16 pi.
        Price $1.20.
         Vm. Paleontology of the Eureka District, by Charles D. Walcott.  1884.  4°.  xiii, 298 pp.  24 1.
        24 pi.  Price $1.10.
         IX. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey,
        by Robert P. Whitfield.  1885.  4°.  xx, 338 pp.  35 pi.  Price $1.15.
         X. Dinocerata. A Monograph of an Extinct Order of Gigantic Mammals, by Othniel Charles Marsh.
        1885.  4°.  xviii, 243 pp.  56 1.  56 pi.  Price $4.75.
         XI. Geological History of Lake Lahontan, a Quaternary Lake of Northwestern Nevada, by Israel
        Cook Russell.  1885.  4°.  xiv, 288 pp.  46 pi.  Price $1.75.
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