Page 4 - agwomen1984cookbook
P. 4

Copyright() 1984
                              COOKBOOK PUBLISHERS. INC.
                                 2101  Kansas City Road
                                Olathe, Kansas  66061-3007

             All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
             or  transmitted  in  any  form  by  any  means,  electronic  or
             mechanical,  including photocopy,  recording,  or any  information
             storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
             publisher,  except  by  a  reviewer  who  wishes  to  quote  brief
             passages  in  connection  with  a review  written  for  inclusion  in  a
             magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

                                 Published and Printed By
                                 Cookbook Publishers, Inc.
                                     P.O. Box 1260
                                Olathe, Kansas 66061-3007

             THIS  BOOK  includes  the  finest  plastic  ring  binders  available,
             BUT,  like  most  plastics,  the BINDERS  CAN  BE DAMAGED  BY
             EXCESSIVE HEAT, so AVOID exposing them to the direct rays of
             the SUN, or excessive heat such as IN A CAR on a hot day, or on
             the top of the kitchen STOVE. If not exposed to heat, the binders
             will last indefinitely.
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