Page 8 - bowman1989yearbook
P. 8

Ed Contreras - You couldn't find me on the week-
           end. No one ever knows where I am. My coolest
           adventure so far was up north at Camp Nelson. I
           went 5 miles along the creek past waterfalls, large
           rocks, and more than you can imagine. The next
           day I  went down  the same path and everything
           was  different.  It  couldn't  be  explained. What
           happened would have to be investigated by a par-
           apsychologist.  If I  could  be  any  animal  in  the
           world, I would probably be a criosphinx, a mytho-
           logical  animal  because  of the  silence.  My own
           special quality is  extreme originality and imagi-
           nation.  A  mind  of various  modes  of operation.
           The exquisite trace of mystique. If I had a million
           dollars I would use enough to live on and for mass
           travel around the world. And the rest I would give
           to my friends (you know who you are!). Ten years
           from  now  I  see myself as  sovereign.  Jim Morri-
           son, John Arch, and Steve Harris are all my idols.
           I  look for  compatibility and a  certain degree of
           intellect in girls.  I feel  that there is  no sanity or
           insanity.  Some  people  have  different  perspec-

                                                           Kari Jimenez - I was given a dead grasshopper when I
                                                           was in elementary school. This is probably the weirdest
                                                           gift I ever received. The hardest part of growing up is
                                                           learning to be okay with who you really are. I have true
                                                           compassion for my fellow human beings and I also get
                                                           along well with animals. I have a unique way of talking.
                                                           Everything 1s a nightmare of a total dream, the best or
                                                           worst thing ever. I always say "whatever". Putting my
                                                           hand into the back of the refrigerator when the kitchen
                                                           light is out frightens me even though I know there's no
                                                           reason to be afraid. Getting a bad haircut is my biggest
                                                           nightmare.  Right  now  I  like  to  run  amuck,  but  two
                                                           years  from  now  I  probably won't enjoy  it.
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