Page 17 - bowman1994yearbook
P. 17

I  think  of Nettersheim,  West  Ger-
                                   many,  the place  where  my son  was born.
                                   The  town  is  very  small  and beautiful,
                                   full of trees and wonderful people.  It's a
                                   very  old  way  of life.

                                     Mike Calhoun
                                     Campus  Supervisor
                                                                        Yosetntte  Valley  holds  happy  memor:es for
                                                                      me  ul tmu .rh?md  with fam,l1, 1  and fnends,
                                                                      u,/;ere  l 've  felt  enveloped  by  the  wonder  f
                                                                      creatwn  love,  and mfinitr: peace
                                                                        Joy  Williamson
                                                                        lnstrm:tiontd  Assistant

                                                        Santa  Barbara  is  a special place for  me
                                                      because it  is  my  home  town,  and it  holds
                                                      lots of  memories,  relatives, beauty,  and his-

                                                        Alex Smith

         1 hosted Japanese  high school and college
        Jt!!dents  m  my  home,  and I en_10yed  VJS!ttng
        many  of them  m Japan  m  1986.

         Peg  Effertz
         Attendtmce Secretary,  Registrar

      While  living in  England  ( 1960-1963 ),                  En,~land   Its  hwory  has  always  been
    I went with some of my friends  to  Liverpool.               of great  mterest  to  me
    We  went to  the  Cellar and saw the  "to  ben
    Beatles.                                                       Alary Sager
                                                                   Instructiontd  Assistant
     Jeannie  Brockmeyer
      Instructional  Assistant
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