Page 18 - bowman1994yearbook
P. 18

Coupeville,  on  Whidby  Island  in  Puget
                                    Sound,  is where I spent the best two years
                                    of my  childhood,  riding  horses,  picking
                                    strawberries,  and  running  along  the
                                    beach,  just  reveling  in  my youth.

                                      Alicia Olerich
                                      Social Studies

       The  Vietnam Memonal m  Wmhmgton,
       DC  u·as  the  most  emotional(,  to1Hhmg
      place  I  ever  umted  Standmg  m  front
       of the  engraved  panels  of names  and
       watching then- lc1ved  ones  take  rubhmgs
       was p,st overn 1 helmmg

         Suzy  Afansfield                                                 Pretty  Lake  Vacatton  Camp,  located
         ,"\!fath.  English,  Counselor                                   01,i!Jtde  of Kalamazoo,  M1ch1gan,  wen
                                                                          u;here I u 1 as  cl  cou,Helor  my last summer
                                                                          m  college  I  have  fond  memories  of
                                                                          laughter  grat1tt1,de  tears,  appreoatton,
                                                                          en1oyment,  and relaxation.

                                                                            Al Scrase
                                                                            English,  Drivers  Ed

                                       A  trip  to  Europe  was  a lifelong  dream
                                       come true.  I spent two months tent camp-
                                       ing through  13 countries. It was the most
                                       daring  thing  I  had ever  done,  and  a
                                       vacation  I will never forget.

                                        Fume  Tonkinson
                                        Effective Parenting, Singles Living
                                        Health,  Basic  Skills,  Foods

                                   Several  years  ago  I  v1Stted  Bozeman
                                   Montana.  I had ltved there 30 years ago
                                   and had not  been  back  smce  Although
                                   we  moved away /mm there  when  I was
                                                                          Rancho  Benardo,  near  San  Diego,  is
                                   only 3,  I sttl! remember a l1ttle bit about
                                                                          where I spent part of my honeymoon  last
                                   the  house  and my  !tfe  there
                                                                          year,  and it will always be  my  "special
                                                                          favorite  place" in  the  world.   •
                                     lltf arie Lyle
                                     Special  Ed.
                                                                            JoAnn  Wilbour
                                                                            Work  Experience,  Computers
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