Page 7 - bowman1994yearbook
P. 7

If I  could  have  one  wish,  it  would  be  to  have  a  short  bed
                                                          ki11g  wh  Chevy  truck  - it ·s  my  dream  truck.  One  age  I'd
                                                          !rm:  to  he  for  the  rest  of my  life  is  16  - it's  the freest  time
                                                          of )'om·  life.  There  is  no  one  I'd  ever  trade  lives  with.  My
                                                          life  i.1  just fine.  I'm  probably  most proud  of doing  well here
                                                          "'  Bou mcm.  The  most  important  thing  I've  learned  about
                                                          lift:  in  the  last few  years  is  that  it's  a  "doggy  dog  world''.
                                                           Yo!✓  have  to  work for  what you  want.  What  makes  me feel
                                                          frn.1tratecl?  Living  with  two  women.'  Best  piece  of advice
                                                          T'n hwrcl that  I know  will keep  me  on  the  road  to  success:
                                                           "Do  what  you  have  to  do  and go  for  the  gold  with  your
                                                          hcc✓cl  11-17 . ..
                                                                                           Robel  Douglas

      I'm  most proud  of having held two jobs  over  the  summer  so  that  I
      could give  my  mom  a helping hand.  I would never trade lives  with
      tmyone,  even  if I could,  because  I started  this  life,  and I want  to
      fi11iJh  it.  I am  very  thankful for:  living with my  mom,  my grand-
      jh11wts,  and for  being  given  another  chance  in  school.  If I  could
      hcwe  one  wiJh,  it  would be for  world peace,  making  this  a better
      place  for  the  next  generations.  The  best  piece  of advice  I've  ever
      hum!  is  to  stay  in  school  and get your  diploma.

                                            Elisha  Frias
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