Page 8 - bowman1994yearbook
P. 8

5-o~wi~g  OWL

                                                              DlleDwlS  ...

            Anastasia  is  a  name  I  would  choose for  myself because  I like  the
            way  it sounds.  If I  could  change  one  thing  about  the  way  I look
            it  would  be  my  height.  Short  is  too"  cute.  I'm  really  a  very  shy
           person,  but  some  people  think  I'm  spacey.  What  the  world  needs
            now is open- mindedness.  All opinions need to  be heard,  more ques-
            tions  need  to  be  asked.  I think  most  problems  could  be  resolved.  I
            am  very  thankful for  my  mother and sisters  and my  dear friends.
            I get  really frustrated  when  smart people  choose  to  be  ignorant.  If
            I  had enough  power  to  change  the  world,  I'd  make  sure  morals,
            etiquette,  and human  kindness  were  all second  nature,  and that
            everyone  would  know  it and not  question  it.  The  most  important
            thing  I've  learned  about  life  in  the  last few  years  is  to  not  take
            life for  granted  - to  live  life  to  the fullest  each  day.  Carpe  diem
            - seize  the  day!

                                                  Ebony  Borja

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