Page 7 - bowman1995anthology
P. 7

2:19 In the Morning

              Walking the streets of the city
              at 2:19 in the morning.
              The lustrous gleam of the quiet asphalt
              puts a spring in my step
              and paints an expression of solitude
              on my day-worn face.
              At peace.

              Walking the streets of the city
              at 2:19 in the morning.
              The buildings are sleeping
              Somebody's singing
              And it's me.

              Walking the streets of the city
              at 2:19 in the morning.
              The homeless curl under blankets or newspapers
              like stray dogs
              utterly indisposed,
              utterly alone in a world full of
              baleful eyes and caloused hearts.

              Walking the streets of the city
              at 2: 19 in the morning.
              The lights are breathing
              The silence deafening
              I can see my breath.

                                           Clif Crotts

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