Page 16 - bowman1995yearbook
P. 16

"What does it take!  to make!

                                                                                  top of

                                     The Joy and/or success  of others
                                     as  a  result of my involvement
                                     with them."
                                     Greg Herrick

                                                                     a perfect jazzerctse
                                                          class,  because  when  both  the
                                                          students and I get into  it,  I get
                                                          energy and feel  totally
                                                            Mac"  Sherrie Mesecher

                                     " It takes  a  combination  of events
                                     to  make me feel  on  top  of the
                                     world,  such  as  the end of the
                                     day,  life's small achievements,
                                     project completions,  smiles  and
                                     thank-you' s!''
                                     Al Scrase

                                                                   my house  repaired
                                                          from  earth  quake damage
                                                           my patience is  wearing thin."
                                                          Marsha  Brigleb

                                     " When  I  write a  line like
                                     "There's a  heart inside stone/No
                                     one hears'  Why?  The creative
                                     state of mind is  its  own reward
                                     - pure and unbounded "
                                     Richard Weekley

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