Page 19 - bowman1995yearbook
P. 19

"Bowman: In  ten                                  years

                                           Bowman will be  crowded,  and
                                             technology    well     more
                                           computerized,  and there  will be
                                                          less  homework"
                                                      Roxanne Van  Sickle

                           Every student will have a
                        computer  with individualized
                       software programs connecting
                    them  to  the  world  Teachers  will
                         be  able to  use  computers for
                       grading and keeping track of
                                  student progress ''
                                     JoAnn  Wilbour

                                             Students  will all be  connected
                                              by  modems (at home)  to  their
                                             computerized teachers  No  one
                                            will come to  classes,  they'll just
                                             turn on  their  computers to  do
                                                             their  work "
                                                          Suzy Mansfield

                               always have kids that
                       need a  different setting  In  ten
                             years,  there may be  two
                        continuation schools  Students
                       will store their  assignments on
                      disks  and use  lap-top  computers
                                     for  all classes "
                                        Marie Lyle

                                                   of our favorite students
                                           will NO  LONGER be  enrolled"
                                                            Peggy  Effertz

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