Page 15 - boyer2015ch14
P. 15

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                        what a “no”  vote was.   If Newhall Land’s commercial site was going to  be
                        developed it had to be annexed to Sanitation District No. 26.  When the item came
                        up, Jill Klajic and I voted no.  We were immediately told by staff, “You can’t do
                            We replied, “We just did.”
                            We got Newhall Land’s attention.  Had they sued they might have won, but
                        they found it easier to communicate and negotiate than to sue, which would have
                        cost them a lot of time.  The site was annexed to the city as well, and Best Buy
                        became our largest single contributor to sales tax revenue.
                            The Signal could not wait to speculate on who was going to be the next
                        mayor.  On November 19 they ran Tim Whyte’s story saying that Jill Klajic had
                        the support of three council members and Buck McKeon would be out of town
                        for the reorganization meeting, so would not be present to vote against her.  I felt
                        that the rotation was important.  I did not feel it was Jill’s turn, but the written
                        policy supported her and I was not going to play politics with it.  Jan Heidt’s
                        statement represented me.  “My feeling is this: That the community has a right to
                        see each one of us in a leadership position.  I believe in the system.  We all
                        jumped into it with both feet¼.”  Jo Anne Darcy pointed out that Jill would be
                        responsible for representing the council and its positions.
                            When asked how I was doing as mayor, Jill said with a laugh, “Carl’s done
                        a great job.  He’s been fantastic.  I’m going to be a good girl, like Buck said.  I’m
                        going to be very nice and not cause trouble.”
                            Jan Heidt proposed creation of  an  area council to  be created by inviting
                        representatives of eleven unincorporated communities to a meeting in the city.
                        Mindful of the Middle East peace talks going on at that time, I asked if she meant
                        Madrid or Washington. 44
                            Meanwhile we had voted to appoint commissioners by a system of nomination
                        by a councilmember, with ratification by the council.  I had originally supported
                        that process, but decided that it was too political and voted against it.  I had
                        received some criticism for changing my mind, but the fact was that I could see
                        both sides of many issues, and frequently had difficulty voting one way or the
                            The real estate market was anemic, and growth had slowed considerably.
                        Newhall Land was building no residential projects.  However, they were still
                        doing well in commercial and industrial development, in part because they owned
                        their land outright.  Henry Mayo Newhall had bought it for about $2 an acre over
                        a century earlier.  Also, they had the best industrial land in all of Los Angeles
                        County.  The people of the valley enjoyed new amenities, such as the Hilton
                        Garden Inn and the new mall then under construction.  We were making real
                        progress in writing a hillside and ridgeline preservation ordinance.
                            The last controversy of my first term came from the Anden Group, one of
                        what turned out to be many developers who wanted to build on the Porta Bella
                        area in the middle of the city.  This was a brownfields project, but at the time we
                        did not have much knowledge about just how polluted the soil was.  Anden asked
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