Page 2 - boynton1973_tomvernon
P. 2

West  Coast  Limited's  locomotive  awaits  rescue  as  relief
          Courtesy Sam  Zachery.
                                                train  with  two  wreckers  stands  by  on  temporary  "shoe-fly/'
                                                Notice  displacement  of  cab  in  which  Engineer  Richard  Ball
                                                was  trapped.  The  wrecking  took  place  between  Saugus,
                                                California  and  Henby Station  (M.P.  447)  on  the  Mojave  Sub-
                                                division  of  the  San  Joaquin  Division.  White  stains  on  the
                                                boiler  and  cab  indicate  areas  in  contact  with  escaping
                                                high  pressure  steam.  The  outside  throttle  rigging  caught
                                                onto  embankment  pulling  throttle  wide  open.  The  spinning
                                                drivers  -  although  terrifying  to  contemplate  -  rapidly
                                                depleted  the  boiler  pressure  -  a  contributing  factor  in  the
                                                engineer's survival.
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