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Chapter  Two

                                   Robbery  at  Saugus

            The  big  three  barreled  locomotive  had  just   Mint  Canyon.  Engine  5042  had  left  the  Los
        completed  the  momentary  station stop  at Saugus,    Angeles,  California  passenger  depot at about  6:30
        California,  and  the  dull  metallic  clank  of  the   P.M.  with  her  12  car  train,  and  the  date  was
        manhole  cover  on  the  big  Vanderbilt  tender  indi-  November  10,  1929.  Bob  Fowler  had  bumped  as
        cated  that  Fireman  Robert  C.  Fowler  had  her     fireman  on  the  passenger  run,  and  it  was  his
        filled  with  water.  Hands  gripping  the  rear  eaves   first  trip since  displacing the regular man.  Fowler
        of  the  cab,  Bob  dropped  down  onto  the  sandbox   had failed  to show for  the run,  and  Sam Zachery*
        and  then  slid  across  the  glossy  steel  deck  to  the   was  called  by  the  crew  dispatcher  to  fire  the  fast
        seatbox on the left side of the big 4-10-2.  Engineer   passenger  train.  Sam  Zachery  had  prepared  5042
        Richard  C.  Ball  caught  the  conductor's  tossed    for the "varnish" run over the Tehachapi Mountains
        lantern  signal,  released  the  air  brakes,  and  eased   to Bakersfield, California where the joint Southern
        the  throttle  open,  gently  taking  the  slack  from   Pacific-Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railroad
        the Limited so as not to awaken any of the sleeping    tracks spilled out onto the vast, fertile San Joaquin
        passengers.  Fowler  increased  his  firing  rate  to   Valley.  Engineer  Ball  and  his  emergency  fireman
        match  the  blasting  exhaust  of  the  accelerating   were leaving the roundhouse preparatory to moving
        engine,  and  checked  the  pulsating  needle  on  his   the big  three-cylinder 4-10-2  through the yards to
        feedwater  heater  pump  gauge,  making  sure  that    the  passenger  depot  when  Bob  Fowler  showed  up
        he  was  supplying the increasing demand for  boiler   for  work.  In a  decision  that was  later to  prove  to
        water.  As  he overfired,  the  fire-door  rumbled  and   Zachery's  advantage,  Sam  allowed  Fowler  to  as-
        the  damper  levers  jumped  in  their  retainers  but   sume  his  rightful  position  as  fireman  on  No.  59
        soon settled down as the exhaust smoothed out with     that  fateful  night.
        increased  speed.  Ball  called  across  the  vibrating    As  the train blasted through Saugus yard, the
        cab  to  Bob,  saying to him,  "Well Bob,  it has been   clear  green  light  in  the  leaving  block  signal  was
        a  nice  trip  so  far."  Little  did  the  old  engineer   mirrored on the polished rails as the two enginemen
        know  that  these  words  were  to  portend  a  direct   verbally acknowledged the proceed indication.  Ball
        reversal  of  how  things  would  become.              was  working 5042  pretty hard now,  and was  really
            Although  it  was  one  of  the  many  pauses  on   "knockin'  apples"  as  he  tried  to  get  the  heavy
        the  scenic  run  north  to  Portland,  Oregon  and    train  back  up  to  track  speed  and  on  the  "adver-
        Seattle,  the  importance  of  this  daily  occurrence   tised" again.  The vivid greenish-yellow beam of the
        was  soon  to  be  eclipsed  by  an  avalanche  of  sen-  headlight swept the barren hills of the Santa Clara
        sational  newspaper  copy.  Southern  Pacific  train   River  Canyon,  and  the  last  nostalgic  sounds  of
        No.  59,  the  West  Coast  Limited,  was  soon  swal-  the  rumbling  train,  sounding like  distant thunder,
        lowed  by the darkening gloom  as  she pounded her     rolled  back from  the mountains giving  hint to  the
        way  toward Mojave, California.  The quiet Sunday      uninformed  that  perhaps  a  railroad  threaded  this
        evening  was  filled  with  the  strangely  haunting   desolation.
        off-beat exhaust of  the huge  dual purpose locomo-        Train  No.  59  was  now  committed  to  an  un-
        tive.  The little knot of humanity leaving the dimly   eventful  journey  that  crossed  the  rocky  wastes
        illuminated  station  platform  was  suddenly  filled   of  the  ridge  and  near-desert,  and  she  would  soon
        with  an  overwhelming  sense  of  loneliness  as  the
        last  fading  echoes  of  the  beautiful  Nathan  chime    *Southern  Pacific-San  Joaquin  Division  en-
        whistle  came  whispering  back  from  the  walls  of   gineer,  Seniority  No.  1  (1971).

        37                                                                             THREE  BARRELS  OF  STEAM
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