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                                                      SECTION  III  CONT'D
                                                           RULE  11.
               a.  Dogs,  cats,  birds  and  other  live  animals  will  not  be  carried  except  at  option  of  the  Company.
               b.  Motion  picture  films  and  reels  will  be  accepted  for  transportation  subject  to  the  State  laws  governing  common
                  carriers  in  this  re spect  and  under  such  other  limits  as  ordinary  caution  suggests  for  the  safety  of  the  public,  also
                  in  accordance  with  Section  480,  Paragraph  5  of  the  Postal  Laws  and  Regulations .
               c.  Unless  otherwise  specifically  provided  herein ,  rates  named  do  not  apply  to,  nor  will  the  following  articles  be  ac-
                  cepted  for  shipment .
                     1.  Acids,  in  batteries  or  otherwise .
                     2.  High  explosives  or  dangerous  substances.
                     3.  Inflammable  materials.
                     4.  Materials  having  a  disagreeable  odor.
               d.  Any  articles  liable  to  become  disa greeable  to  or  a  menace  to  passengers  or  liable  to  cause  damage  to  other  property
                  being  transported  will  be  accepted  for  shi pment  only  when  not  contrary  to  public  convenience  and  safety  and  when  so
                  packed  as  to  properly  safeguard  against  all  danger .
               e.  Articles  will  not  be  accepted  which  in  agent's  judgment  are  not  of  sufficient  strength  or  properly  packed  to  with-
                  stand  the  handling  incident  to  their  transportation  by  plane .
               f.  Articles  will  not  be  accepted  for  shipment ,  which  in  Agent's  judgment  are  of  such  a  nature  that  makes  shipment  by
                  plane  impractical.
                                                           RULE  1'2.
               STORAGE:  Express  held  for  storage  or  for  orders  from  consignor  or  consignee  over  48-hours  will  be  charged  for  at  the
               rate  of  10c  per  package  for  each  24-hours  after 48-hours  the  same  is  so held .  If  the  quality  or  character  of  the  package
               so  to  be  stored  or  held  is  such  that  the  fa ciliti es  of  the  carrier  doe s  not,  in  their  opinion ,  offer  protection  from  in-
               jury,  damage  or  from  theft,  the  carrier  reserves  the  right  to  place  same  in  a  public  warehouse  at  the  cost  of  the  con-
               .signee  or  consignor,  as  their  interests  may  appear ,  in  which  case  the  regular  charges  of  such  public  warehouse  will
               govern .
               Exception :  Express  will  be  held  free  when  received  at  any  hour  Saturday  and  claimed  before  the  same  hour  the  following
               Monday,  or  when  received  at  any  hour  Sunday  and  claimed  before  midnight  the  following  Monday .  If  not  claimed  within  the
               time  specified  storage  will  commence  24-hours  af t er  receipt  of  the  express .  Legal  holidays  will  be  treated  the  same  as
               Sundays .  When  a  legal  ho~iday  falls  on  Saturday  or  Monday ,  or  is  observed  on  either  of  those  days ,  the  Sunday  and  the
               legal  holiday  combined  will  be  treated  as  Sunday.
               The  Company  is  not  liable  for  damage  or  deterioration  of  articles  caused  by  non  delivery  after  arrival  at  destination .
               The  place  of  storage  shall  be  optional  with  the  Company .  Perishable  articles  which  become  odoriferous  will  be  destroyed
               without  previous  notice  to  the  consignee  or  consignor .

                                                           RULE  13.
               REFUNDS:  All  refund  requests  on  account  of  interrupted  flights  should  be  forwarded  immediately  to  Comptroller,  Century
               Pacific  Lines,  Ltd . ,  Glendale,  California .
                                                           RULE  14.
               RECONSIGNED  SHIPMENTS  IN  TRANSIT :  Where  shipments  are  reconsigned  in  trans i t,  a  charge  of  $1.00  per  shipment  will  be
               made .

                                                           RULE  15.
               VALUATION  DECLARED  NOT  EXCEEDING  $50.00:  Shippers  shall  declare  a  valuation  on  each  shipment  not  to  exceed  $50.00  with-
               out  additional  charge.
                                                           RULE  16.
               DECLARED  VALUATION  IN  EXCESS  OF  $50 .00  UP  TO  $5 ,000 .00  PER  SHIPMENT:  Values  in  excess  of  $50.00  up  to  $5 ,000.00  per
               shipment  may  be  declared .  If  shipper  declares  a  value  in  excess  of  $50 .00  for  any  shipment  the  rate  immediately
               below  will  be  applicable  for  excess  value  charge .
                                In  excess  of  $50 .00--50c  for  each  $100 .00  (or  fraction  thereof)  of  such  excess .

                                                           RULE  17.
               VALUE  IN  EXCESS  OF  $5 ,000 .00 .  Values  in  excess  of  said  amount  may  be  ~eclared  by  ~hipper  ONLY  if  a  written  contract  has
               been  entered  into  with  Company  and  special  arrangements  made  and  special  rates  pai d  on  account  thereof.  Any  such  agree-
               ment  must  be  made  with  Company  direct .  AGENTS  SHALL  NOT  IN  ANY  EVENT  CHANGE,  ALTER OR  ADD  TO  THE  TERMS,  CONDITIONS  OR
               Information  in  regard  to  arrangements  for  transportation  of  shipments  at  declared  valuations  in  excess  of  $5 ,000 .00  may
               be  obtained  by  addressing  the  Century  Pacific  Lines,  Ltd . ,  Glendale ,  California .

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