Page 6 - chssc_presskit_lang19760905
P. 6

had  to  be  transported ·by  oceanway  from  Sau  1Prane1scoJ  ce4ar lumber  was

             to  come  from_O:regonp  also  b7 shipo  Huge  engines  were  sent  in  section~

            and  assembl.ed  on  lai:ui~  but  ons  o:t  the  greatest  problems  was  .......  labor~

            Where  u,d  how  coul.d  tho"~ands  of laborers  be  recrtL\ted  to  dig 1~000  t•~t

             ot ool1d  I"ock  t~ougb.  a  momrte.1.~_t  And,  '~f  it were  pos1ible  to  obtain

           . these  worke:r~i.i  would  they  be  able  to  -~1:thtJtruid  the  ~i6@l."S  of'  such  an

            ardoue  undertakag in add1t1o~  to  th~  unpredictable  £~roes  of Batur~f

            OharleB  Crocker had  the  answer  - 0            Chiu@~~  laboreral  W1th  hie  past•~•
            pertenoe  in hii:·JJ.lli  th@  Cl'.hln8se  to  work  01J.  the  Oen·t~al  Pacifio  bilroa4,
                         .,         ..                                          -..,......              ,.
             built  bf 1&711\S  traoks  across  the . mountainous  Siarr~  lenradaa,  Crocker

  ,         knew  that  these  worke~wwere  4ependable,  efficiente  well-qual1!1e4,  and

            would  cause  11ttle 1t ruiy,  pro'bleuo
            And  So  tha  Hera~erm  proJect  begu" ·  Bttrly  1n  1874,  thoutJanda  of  Oh1neae

            laborers were  recruited~  some  tQ  start  building  th~  railroad  from  San

            JT.ancisco  aouthw2~~  others  to  gtart  from  Loe  An..geleii  and  heading  northo

            In  the  m~_an.timel\l  the  mo~t  .formidiAble  obs.tacle  loomed  al:uuul,  thcr $an  ,~1• 112
            nando  tw:a..uel$~· A force  ot Ohil.\ese  workers  arrived  in the  first  months  of
             U375  to  an  area  that was  :turt 0  dry,  dasola·te,  an4  mow,.ta1:o.ouo.  !b.e1r work
            wae  cut  out  for  themo  fhe7 were  to  work  in three  S~hour  ah1fts~  da.7  and

            n.ight. •at  a  dollar a  day()  !a  shorten  the  time  req1dred  to  complete  th1

            pro3ecte  the  tW1nel  wQu.ld  be  dug  frora  both  end~  simulttAllcoual70

            On  March  22 1875ti  the  exc0.vat1011  of  the  San  f@rna.ndo  Tunnel  was  officially
             begun.  with  a  b.uge  ex_plosion  of R4in:~cuiss  blaet1:tag  powder            x.~ocking  the
    and  surrounding  areac  From  the  V<U:'f  beginn1ngt  :there  aeemet  to

             be  one  obstacls  anothere  Since  air  jack-hammers  had  not  been  1n­

            ven.\:e4  in  the  1870 s,  digging  had  to  be  d~1u1  in a  crude  and  laborious
            ~nne:r  -• a  heaVf  wedge  being held  bf one  me.n  while  another  etruck  it with

            a  ponderous  hammer~  After a  short  period  of digging  and  chopping,  1t was

            d1soovered  that  the  mou.ntain  was  saturated with  oil and  watero  fh1s,

            mixed  with  dirt  and  mucky  clay.  stuck  to  the  shovels  llls putt7.  Deeper
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