Page 8 - chssc_presskit_lang19760905
P. 8

deioip6:ra:tel7  to  b@  @. bl@  t@  .w~tch  @.  stalwart  son  grw to  ~ood.j  @~  i@  @J@®

          a  da1ntJ  litt1e ·11r1~child  take  her  first  falte~ing  etepso  ?st all thtee

          normal  human· pleasure~  were  dem.ed  to thetu,  Ob.1l.Uif9e  labox-ers,  du@  to a

          number  of  Cl"Y-®!l  ar.t4  'W.\3u.itt  in.'lg:ration  law~  paa'3ed  ·by  the  us  g:ov~l"D®lt.t     0

          and  !n.Uled  tU.rectl7 at thsmi;  In:spite  of  the  harailijfflent  and  hard,~hipg  th~

          g:rueli~ rnoi•k .and· the  d:nidgtey,  the  Chinese ·kept  t.1gging  qd choppi:ci  ~~t~

          the  ttm.V.el~  ~l1n cm.  July- 14 att~r a  7eax- @,4  a  half ·-~f  ccntinuo11.~

          @xcavatin~". 1aucoees  see1u®d  t1lot1e  at h.ande-           fhe  qu~~tic~  upp~5iost  u . @'f'SJ:7""

          ona's  m:1Jcu1  Ylf&~:  Wou.14  the  two  ~ections  m~tttf  Or ,would  one  onrshoot  th®

        · oth~rt  As  !t hap;~nedil  both  aeot1o:ae  m@t  o;.  tare;it s.lld  ther~  w~~ gx'ea.t
                  ?              ....   •   ,   .  •   .   ,   ~   .     .,.  '   ...   :.·
          re301o1ng  deep  in~id®  th~  tup.nel,,  A miracle  na,4·· 1:ru1~ed  joined  th~  ~orth 0

         !he ceremonies  to  aelebrate  this  great  eve~t  wa~e  held  o~  Bepto  5~  1-896-

          at l,Qg  Station~  fift0en mil@~  from  the Su Fer-.aa~4o  tw:mel0  fm~ke  f@~

          the  entire_raUr~ad had  al~eady  be~n  l&id  b~  Chines~  labors~,  exc@pt  tor

          the  la~t  1,000  feet,  whitlh  bad  been  set  a.s:14®  tor~;  ocoas:1011  t@  b@  la1ti
          b  plao®  by  Caucasian worne~0  thousand~  of wor4~-were  spoken  at  tb1

          coremo~Je  but  ».o-t  o~~ word  of mention  about  the  Chines&  laborers  111110. had

        . worked  so  diligently to  compl.1Ste  the  tunnel  on  f.!ohedule6t  Inst*ad,  the;y

         wer@  comp~etelJ 1pored and  ~htmt~d  aa1~e  by  the  inse~itiva and  indift~~~­

         ent  c1t13sttm  of O~litom2~
         And  that'e  the wa7  it wase  a  huudred  years  agou  Kowover,  on  this  Sept!)  5ti

         · 1976:,  theiste  oou.rae.;eot.i~  ~en ·~ill not  be  forgottex,.  """"  th~;y  'lifj.ll  be  honored

         in memo:ry  w1 th  gra:t1tu.d@  and  respec·t  by  members  and  friends  of  th~  Chinese

         Historical Society  o:t  Bou.them  Oal1torn1ao  .  ~he  SocietJ will.  be  dedicating

         a  plaque  at  Lang  Statio~  to  commemo:r~ate  the  contributions  made  by  t.b.ese ·

         thousands  of Chinese  laborers who,  though  considered  slight  of  build  at1d

         suJ.l  in stature,,  px•ove4  that _they  were  actuall.;,  "ten  feet  tall 90  bf  vii-tu@

         ot  their exuiuranee,  patien.o®g  cour~ge, ·and  1ndom1tabl@  sp1r1te  And  it W$.!ll
         this  same  spirit and  persevera~ce  that  contributed  so  greatly  to  the
         fulfillment  of an  fllmpossible  dream~.
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