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P. 13


             C. Park Once Garages

             The ‘Park Once’ strategy to address parking needs
             is intrinsically tied to the possibility of transforming
             Old Town into a viable place and long-term
             commercial success. It is well-documented fact
             that in a Park Once environment, conventional
             parking ratios of 4-5 per 1000 square feet can be
             appropriately trimmed to 2-3 per 1000, thus reducing
             traffic and area for parking cars while enhancing
             qualities of place for pedestrians.  Accordingly, in
             Old Town Newhall, the ratio used is 2.5 per 1000
             square feet.                                    Liner as corner tower

             The two planned garages provide Downtown with
             800 parking spaces and 2-3 story mixed use housing
             or office liners around each garage.  ‘Liners’ are
             buildings which are mixed in use with commercial
             or office at the ground floor and office and/or
             residential above.  Such buildings effectively ‘screen’
             the utilitarian garages from public view while
             providing developable area and maintaining the
             pedestrian-oriented streetscape.

             Up to 280 parking spaces are shared with the Jan
             Heidt Metrolink Station with the train riders using
             these spaces during weekday hours when Main
             Street businesses do not need as much garage    Mid-block access to garage

             Park Once Garage (in Boulder, CO)

        25    O LD  T OW N  N E W H A L L   S PE CIF I C  P LA N
              City of Santa Clarita, California
              ADO P T ED   D E C E m b E r  2 2,   2 0 05
              rE V IS ED:   m A r C H  2 8 ,   2 017
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