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P. 17


               Infill Courtyard Housing at Pine and Market

               F. Infill and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

               Infill Housing - The two neighborhoods flanking the
               downtown on the west and east will receive infill development
               ranging from single-family detached houses to duplexes,
               rowhouses and courtyard housing.  The objective of such
               potential is to allow the neighborhood to reutilize existing
               property in appropriate pedestrian and street-friendly patterns
               and densities over time.  This is to occur in a manner that
               respects each neighborhood’s role and scale in Old Town
               Newhall.  In this way, despite incremental change, the appeal
               and livability of each neighborhood will be enhanced.
                                                                       Courtyard Housing (20 dwellings shown)
               Buildings in these areas are from 1-2.5 stories tall with the
               majority in the 2-story range.

               Courtyard Housing (10 dwellings shown)                  Rowhouses (3 dwellings shown)

        29    O LD  T OW N  N E W H A L L   S PE CIF I C  P LA N
              City of Santa Clarita, California
              ADO P T ED   D E C E m b E r  2 2,   2 0 05
              rE V IS ED:   m A r C H  2 8 ,   2 017
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