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                  1.1   PURPOSE

                  This Final Initial Study  (IS) and  Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND;  together, IS/MND) has been
                  prepared for the Phase 2A—Central Park Recycled Water Main Extension Project (“proposed Project”) in
                  accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)  and the State
                  CEQA Guidelines.  Castaic Lake Water Agency (CLWA) is acting as the Lead Agency as defined by CEQA for
                  the environmental review of the proposed Project.


                  The  Phase  2A—Central  Park Recycled Water Main Extension  was developed to  offset nonpotable
                  irrigation and residential demands from domestic drinking water to recycled water. The proposed Project
                  will use recycled water from the Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District’s Valencia Water Reclamation Plant
                  (WRP) to serve existing customers within CLWA’s service area.

                  The proposed Project is a part of the Phase 2 expansion of the recycled water system described in the
                  2016 Draft Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP) Update and 2016 Draft EIR (DEIR). Phase 2 is planned to
                  expand recycled water use within Santa Clarita Valley and consists of four projects currently in various
                  stages of design. All of the available recycled water in the peak summer months is anticipated to be used
                  to meet demands that including existing Phase 1 projects, Phase 2 expansions currently in design, planned
                  developments (including Newhall Ranch and Vista  Canyon), and future nearby customers served by
                  extending the Phase 2 system.

                  As proposed, the 24-inch transmission pipeline would originate at the Valencia WRP at The Old Road and
                  extend for approximately 5.25 miles, or up to 33,000 linear feet, along Rye Canyon Road and Newhall
                  Ranch Road. At the Newhall Ranch Road and Bouquet Canyon intersection, the proposed Project will
                  continue in one of two directions to Central Park. The pipeline would need to cross approximately 700

                  feet of the San Francisquito Creek. CLWA would either hang the transmission pipeline across bridge
                  crossings or install the transmission pipeline within an open cell of the bridge.

                  The first alternate alignment would be north along Bouquet Canyon Road, while the second alternate
                  direction would be east along Newhall Ranch Road to the River Village development and then north to

                  Central Park. Industrial and nonpotable irrigation demands adjacent to the alignment would be served by

                  1    California Code of Regulations, sec. 21000 et seq.
                  2    California Code of Regulations, sec. 15070–15075, State CEQA Guidelines.

                  Meridian Consultants                      1.0-1                        Phase 2A Recycled Water Project
                  131-001-16                                                                      November 2017

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