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1.0    Introduction

                  SWRCB submitted a comment letter on October 23, 2017. The comment requests a US Fish and Wildlife
                  Service (USFWS) species list and to discuss potential impacts to any federally listed species, and also to
                  clarify if the Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni) and marsh sandwort (Arenaria paludicola)
                  have the potential to occur within the Project area. The comment also states, “If [CLWA] decides to pursue
                  [Clean Water State Revolving Fund] financing for the Project, please provide the State Water Board,
                  Division  of Financial Assistance a copy of the following documents: draft and final  MND; resolution

                  adopting the MND and making CEQA findings; all comments received during the review period and the
                  Agency’s response to those comments; adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; Notice of
                  Determination file with the Los Angeles County Clerk and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research;
                  and notices of any hearings or meetings regarding environmental review for the Project.”

                  The Final MND, when combined with  the Draft IS, constitutes the complete environmental review

                  document for the proposed Project to be considered by the CLWA Board of Directors, as the decision-
                  making body, before it makes its decision on the proposed Project. State CEQA Guidelines require that
                  the Lead Agency consider the IS together with any comments received during the public review prior to
                  approving a project. The decision-making body shall adopt the Final IS/MND only if it finds, on the basis
                  of the whole record before it (including the IS and any comments received), that no substantial evidence
                  exists that the proposed Project will have a significant  effect on the  environment and that the Final

                  IS/MND reflects the Lead Agency’s independent judgment and analysis.

                  Additionally, the State CEQA Guidelines  require that the Lead Agency adopt a mitigation monitoring
                  program for reporting on or monitoring the physical changes of the Project site and mitigating significant
                  environmental effects.

                  1.4   ORGANIZATION OF THE FINAL IS/MND

                  As required by the State CEQA Guidelines, the Final IS/MND consists of the following elements:
                  x  Comments received from reviewing agencies and the public on the Draft IS during the public review
                     process and responses to those comments (see Section 2.0).

                  x  Changes and revisions made to the Draft IS/MND (see Section 3.0)
                  x  A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), which provides a summary of impacts,
                     mitigation measures, and implementation procedures (see Appendix A).

                  x  The Draft IS (see Appendix B).

                  A disc containing these documents is also attached to the inside back cover of this Final IS/MND.

                  4    California Code of Regulations, sec. 15074(b), State CEQA Guidelines.
                  5    California Code of Regulations, sec. 15074(d), State CEQA Guidelines.

                  Meridian Consultants                      1.0-3                        Phase 2A Recycled Water Project
                  131-001-16                                                                      November 2017

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