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            College Commended for Fiscal Management

             This year marked a significant turning point for the college with   professionals representing the Accrediting Commission of
             regard to funding. College of the Canyons saw its funding fully   Community and Junior Colleges reviewed all aspects of the
             restored in 2015 following multiple years of budget cuts that led   college’s operations this past year.
             to a cumulative 10 percent decline in funding during the Great   In its summary report, the team commended the college for its
             Recession.                                             sound financial management. “A review of independent audit
             Ours was one of just 12 community college districts statewide to   reports and statements confirmed that the College consistently
             return to pre-recession funding levels.  In fact, our general fund   demonstrates fiscal prudence and financial accountability,” the
             revenue grew 13 percent between 2012 and 2015.         team stated. “Through a review of financial documents, audits

             The increase in financial resources directly benefitted students   and other supporting evidence, the team verified that the College
             with the addition of more class sections that allowed for increased   has an adequate funding base, financial resources, reserves and
             enrollment. In 2014-15, the number of funded full-time equivalent   integrated planning sufficient to support the College’s mission and
             students (FTES) we served grew by 4.2 percent, from 14,614 to   programs.”
             15,231, over the prior year.                           That solid foundation has positioned the college for future growth,
             The college’s sound fiscal management and resulting    as we expect to continue expanding access to education and
             growth were highlighted as a significant strength during a   increasing the number of students we can serve.  In 2015-16,
             recent accreditation evaluation.  A team of visiting education   enrollment is projected to grow 3 percent above last year.

                               General Fund Sources of Revenue                              General Fund Expenditures

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