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             Grants Fuel Innovation

             Obtaining external funding beyond basic state revenue continues to be a priority for College of the Canyons. Grant awards from public and
             private entities fund innovation and enable the college to provide additional services to students and the community. This year the college
             generated more than $9 million in grant funding, a 50 percent increase over the previous year, to fund a wide variety of initiatives. The
             following is an overview of some of the significant new grants awarded in 2014-15.

            Teaching Math Instructors to Teach Statistics           Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative
            National Science Foundation IUSE Grant                  California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
            Award: $111,673 over 3 years                            Award: $12.5 million over 4 years, 7 months

            Partnership with Villanova University to create a “train the trainer”   Provides funding for College of the Canyons, in partnership with
            professional development program to teach community college   Foothill College, Statewide Academic Senate and RP Group, to de-
            math instructors across the country to teach statistics.  velop the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative to benefit
                                                                    all California community colleges. The program provides technical
            Title V                                                 assistance to colleges with accreditation and/or audit issues; teams
            U.S. Department of Education                            to provide hands-on assistance to colleges; professional develop-
            Award: $2,578,430 over 5 years                          ment to help colleges with best practices; a clearinghouse website
                                                                    for accreditation and audit issues, resources and best practices;
            Creates an online student educational plan, expands online coun-  and committees to help with implementation and advisement.
            seling for students unable to engage in regular on-site appoint-
            ments, creates online tutoring for students unable to participate   Nursing Enrollment Growth
            on campus, expands OER (Open Educational Resources), provides   California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
            dedicated staff to the Early Notification System, increases outreach
            for underrepresented students, and expands cultural diversity   Award: $123,887
            professional development.                               Provides funding for the college’s Nursing Department to fund
                                                                    adjunct faculty and part-time staff to support the nursing program.
            Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
            Award: $296,530 over 3 years                            SBDC GO-Biz
            Provides funding for the Campus Suicide Prevention Program to   State of California
            improve student mental health, reduce student risk factors, and   Award: $70,000
            eliminate suicide and attempts through training, education, informa-  Allows the Small Business Development Center to hire adult-hourly
            tion dissemination, expanded mental health services capacity and   consultants to help small business owners identify capital to launch
            infrastructure, and data. Also increases the number of people able   or expand their businesses.
            to identify, support, and/or refer at-risk students to the services and
            treatment they need.
                                                                                      Grant Revenue







                                                                            COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - 2015         9
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