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             Editorial                                                                                            Opinion

                                                                                                                 By  Neil  McAuliffe
           Proposition  9,  the  Clean  En·
        vironment  Act,  has  become  a                                                                       Vietnam!
        controversial   topic   in  cities                                                                   Are  we  coming  or  going?
        throughout  the  state.                                                                              The  recent · escalation of  bomb-
           Attackers  of  the  bill,  notably                                                              ing  in  North  Vietnam  turned  the
                                                                                                           hands  of  the  clock  back  to  1968
        Standard  Oil,  General  Electric,
                                                                                                           when  United  States  aircraft  flew
        NBC,  CBS  and  the  Los  Angeles                                                                  heavy  bombing  missions  over
        Times,  have  bombarded  the  Cal-                                                                 North  Vietnam,  striking  enemy
        ifornia  consumer  with  every  pos-                                                               targets.
        sible  tactic  of  opposition  in  an                                                                Shouts  of  protest  came  im-
        attempt  to  extort  a  "no"  vote                                                                 mediately  from  most  Democrats
        from  the  public  on  June  6.  They                                                              in  Congress,  several  Republi-
        cite  statistics  of  the  California                                                              cans,  students  on  college  cam-
        State  Air  Advisory  committee  and                                                               puses,  and  the  general  public.
         other   "pollution   concerned"                                                                   The  Vietnam  war,  which  the
        committees  as  their  source  of                                                                  American  people  have  been  hop-
        data.                                                                                              ing  will  go  away  for  the  past
           The  opponents  of  the  bill,  of                                                              four  years,  has  been  thrown
        course,  fail  to  state  that  the                                                                right  back  into  their  customary
        appointed  members  of  such  bod-                                                                 apathetic  laps.
        ies  as  the  Air  Advisory  commit-  Popular  Earth  Week  interlude  was  a  Friday afternoon  concert  by  Tony   Secretary of Defense  Rogers,
        tee are  also the senior executives   Muhl  and  his  group  on  the  campus  quad.  Guest  speakers  from  var-  in  his  testimony  before  the  Sen-
        of  the  Standard  and  She 11  Oil   ious  ecology-oriented  organizations  in  the  state  visited  the  college   ate  Foreign Relations  committee,
                                         during  the  highly  successful  and  well-organized  week-long  program
        companies.                        headed  by  Bob  Kaylor.                                         defended  Mr.  Nixon's  escalated
           It  is  also  a  fact  that  the  ma-                                                          bombing  as  protection  of  (1)  U .s.
        jor  opponents  to  Proposition  9                                                                 troops,  (2)  the  withdrawal  pro-
        for  years  have  been  cited  as  the                                                             gram,  and  (3)  the  reluctant  South
        major  contributors  to  pollution   CDC's  Cougar  Frog  Blows                                    Vietnamese soldiers.
        in  this  state.                                                                                     These justifications have  pac-
           Furthermore,  the  absurdities                                                                  ified  much  of  the  public,  espec-
        of their many opposing statements   Athlete Of Year  Award                                         ially  since  no  one  wants  our
        only  emphasize  their  lack  of  con-                                                             troops to be  left  unprotected.
                                                                                                             However,  in  the  past,  and
        cern  for  the  California  consumer                     By  Kevin  Doo1ey                        most  recently  in  January,  a  step ..
        and  the  common  man  in  general.                                                                up  of  heavy  bombing  strategy
           These  absurdities  are  readily   There  will  be  no  "Athlete   And  Mike  Gillespie :  "I'm the   has  not • defeated  the  ·enemy  and
        apparent  to  anyone  who  has  read   of  the  year"  trophy  for  Cougar   best  fly  catcher  in  the  district."   apparently  has  done  little  to
        the  Clean  Environment  Act.   Frog  at  the  up-coming  Winter-   Ed  Jacoby ... don't  go  away.   slow him down.
           Even  Otto  Miller,  chairman  of   Spring  Sports  Award  banquet.   "I  haven't  decided  if  I'll  go   I believe  the  renewed  bombing
        the  board  of  Standard  Oil,  has   He  didn't  place  at  the  recent   out  for  the  hop,  skip,  and  jump,   jeopardized  our  withdrawal  pro-
        said  under  oath  that  he  did  not   Intercollegiate   Frog  Jumping   or  the  pole  vault--without  the   gram  instead  of  protecting  it.  We
        read  the  act,  but  feels  it's  bad   Championships  at  Antelope  Val-  pole,  of  course."   are  running  the  risk  of  dee per
        anyway.                         ley  Community  College,  and  he   cougar  Frog's  hobbies  are   involvement  in  a  war  in  which
           The  attacks,  however,  are  of   disgraced  himself  to  boot.   "croakette"  and  "leap human,"   our  country  has  already  contrib-
        little  consequence  to  the  major-  Cougar  Frog  looked  like  a   and  his  life  ambition  is  to  work   uted  more  than  could  reasonably
        ity  of  voters.                winner  at  the  starting  line,  and   either  on  a  construction  crew  as   be  expected  of  it--a  war  that  the
           We,  as  common  men  facing  a   his  first  leap  drew  huzzahs  from   a  rribbetter  or  to  play  with  a   American  people  do  not  want,
        dying  environment,  know  only   the  assembled  multitude.  But   symphony  orchestra  in  the  bass   do  not  support,  and  hopefully
        what  our  senses  can  perceive   then  it  happened.            section.                        will  not  allow  to  continue.
        and  these  are  the  facts  we  must   Cougar  Frog,  who,  as  all  ded-  "I'm telling  it  as  it  is," said   We  are  risking  our  relations
        cite.                           icated  sports  fans  know   pos-  the  glossy muscled  athlete.  "I'm   with  Russia.  By  bombing  North
          Our  senses  tell  us  that  for-  sesses   incredible   peripheral   no   bullfrog."            Vietnam and  its  harbors  in which  ·
        ests  of  trees  die  yearly  from  the   vision,  spied  a  lady  frog  on  the   When  asked  why  he  wore  a   float  Russian  ships,  we  are  dar-
        effects  of  air  pollution.  They   sidelines and immediately altered   good  luck  charm  around  his  bul-  ing  them  to  retaliate.
        show  that  our  oceans, the  origin-  course to  intercept her.   bous throat, Cougar Frog replied:   Political  unrest  has  once  a-
        al  source  of  live,  have  become   When  asked  by  an  inquisitive   ''To  wart  off  bad  luck,  of   gain  been  incited  on  American
        man's  ultimate  garbage  dump.   reporter  from  The  Canyon  Call   course,  you  ninny."       college  campuses  in  protest  of
           Furthermore,  leaky  off-shore   to  explain  his  unorthodox  be-  As  sports  re porters  learned   the  ugly  war.
        wells  have  saturated California's   havior  in  the  middle  of  a  race,   long  ago,  it  is  unfair  and  fre-  We  are  reliving  the  bombing
        world-renowned   beaches   with   Cougar  Frog  (also  called  "Hor-  quently   disasterous   to   ask   of  1968.  Does  that  mean  we  will
        oiled  carcasses  of  countless   ny"  by  his  closest  friends)                                 relive  the  mass  civil  destruction
                                        re plied:                        srorts  celebrities  questions  un-  caused  by  the  1968  anti-war  riots
        birds,  mammals,  and  fish.                                     related  to  their  fields  of  athletic
           On  June  6,  citizens  will  vote   ''If  there's  one  thing  I· can't   specialty.           in  this  country?
        for  or  against  pollution.  But  the   resist,  it 's  frog  legs."                                In  my  opinion,  the  question
               (Cont'd  on  Page  4)       Prior  to  the  race,  Cougar    Yet  we  could  not  resist  ask-  isn't  "to bomb  or  not  to  bomb?"
                                        Frog  was  asked  to  assess  his   ing  Cougar  Frog  what  he  thinks   The  question  is  "to  stay  or  not
             THE CANYON  CALL           opposition   in   the  up-coming   about  the  new  film  "Frogs,"  in   to stay?"  in Vietnam.
                                        contest.                          which  his  species  inherits  the   And  do  the  South  Vietnamese
           PUBLISHED  TWICE  MONTHLY  BY   ''I  know  all  about  them  bums;   earth.                     really  want  us  to  fight  to  give
           JOURNALISM  STUDENTS  AT  COL·                                                                  them  democracy?
           LEGE  OF  THE   CANYONS.  EDI·   I've  taken  notes ,"  he  said.   ''It  is  one  small  step  for
           TORIAL  OPINIONS  EXPRESSED  IN   "Notes? ... on  what?"                                          Judging  from  the  history  of
           THIS  PUBLICATION  ARE  THOSE                                  Hollywood  and  one  giant  leap   this  war-torn  country,  I  think  the
           OF  THE  WRITER  AND  NOT  NECES·   "A  lily  pad."            for  fro:r,kind,''  he  res ponded.
                                                                                                           answer  to  both  questions  is  a
          SARI LY  THQ.5E  OF  THE  COLLEGE.   COC 's  coaching  staff  will  be   Rrriibbbeett !         decisive .NO!
                                        thrilled   to   learn  that  while
                 EDITORIAL  STAFF       Cougar  Frog  failed  to  add  to  the
                 Bill  Leach.  Editor
                                        college's  illustrious  sports  his-  Rotary  To  Fete  Twelve  Students
           Kevin  Dooley   David  Hoeltje   tory  in  his  first  competition,  he
           Neil  McAuliffe   Celeste  Lyons   plans  to  redeem  himself  in  the   Twelve  College  of  the  Can-  Neil  McAuliffe,  Lynette  Schip-
           Richard  Hoefel   Lauri  Salls
           Craig  Obara   Richard  Signoretti   future.                   yons'  students  have  been  invited   per,  Kathy  Schoegje,  Rick  Sig-
           William  Jeffers   Carol  Rice   Lee  Smelser,  for  instance,   to  spend  a  weekend  at  Monte   noretti, Rodney Skinner,  and  Tom
           Laura  Leach     Ann  Molin
                                        will  be  enchanted  to  hear  that   coronaResort Hotel, Lake Arrow-  Zwart.
                                        Cougar  Frog  is  going  out  for   head,  May  19-2 0-21,  as  guests   Purpose  of  the  meeting,  re-
          Paul  Osterhues   Bruce  McKinney   basketball.                 of  the -Rotary  Club  of  Newhall.   portedly,  is  to  conduct  open  dis-
                                           "I'm  going  to  be  the  first   Invited  are  Don  Allen,  Teresa   cussion  between  the  students
             TONY  REMENIH,  ADVISOR    player  to  dunk  the  ball  without   Calzia,  Juanita  Gomez,  Rod'ney   and  Rotary  members  to  help
                                        letting  go  of  it."             Grimes,  Bob  Kaylor,  Bill  Leach,   bridge  the  generation  gap.
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