Page 30 - coccanyoncall_fy19711972
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                 EI  F

      F  s             l        G

                                                                                                            There  is  much  difference  of
         The  Board  of  Trustees  has                                                                    opinion  on  campus  concerning
      awarded  a  contract  for  con-                                                                     the  predominant role of athletics
      struction  of  COCJs  first  per-                                                                   in  om  co]]ege  curriculum.
      manent   building_.  the Instruc-                                                                      Some  contend  that  our  ath-
      tional  Resource  Cente1_.  to  the                                                                 letic  program  ope.rates  at  the
      Bein  and   Daum Construction                                                                       expense  of  a  majority  of  the
      Company  of  Los Angeles  on the                                                                    students  who_.  they  say.  suffers
      basis of a low bid  of  2.563.300.                                                                  from  an  inadequate  amount  of
         The  board  also  awarded  a                                                                     academic  subjects.  These  peo-
      contract  to  the  Gladd                                                                   ple  point  to the .Student Council
      Construction  Company  to  con-                                                                     and  ask  why  the  Athletics com-
      struct  the  yard-auto  project  on                                                                 mission  and  the  Rally  com-
      a  25 .516  bid ..                                                                                  ~ttee: have  a  vote  in  student
         Construction  on   both PIO~                                                                     government  while  the  Social
      jects  is  expected to start with-                                                                  committee  and  the  Inst.ruction
      in  a  month.  The  IRC ..  named in                                                                committee  do  not.
      honor  of  the  late  trustee.  Dr.                                                                    Others  assert  that  athletics
      William  G.  Bonelli_.  Jr._.  will                                                                 are  the  bulwark  of  student  ac-
      be  ready  for  the  fall  quarter                                                                  tivitie1?.  They  believe  that  a
      in  1973.  The  second  project:o                                                                   well-rounded  athleticsJ  p1ogram
      which  will  house  the  auto shop   R                                                              will  bring  recognition  to  the
      classes.                          hand                     suerri Ila  at right~                    college.
         President  Robert  C.  Rock-                                                                       Furthermore.  these  people
      well  also  has  been  advised                                                                      ask  why  om  athletic  teams  are
       that  the  chancellorJs  office                          r        tr                              forced  to  operate  on  our  pres-
      will   iecommend  support  for                                                                      ently  small  budget  allocations
      world~  drawings  and  c onstruc-                              a  a                                 while  other  institutions  .allow
       tion  of  a  gymnasium ..  swim-                                                                  their  teams  a  far  greater amount
       ming  pool_.  and  a  mechanical                                                                   of  monetary  support.
      ~technology ce:nte1 in the 1973-14   The  :recent  visit  of  Presi-  ecuted  by  the  Japanese_."-'  Rem- -  In  other words_.  the  main  dif-
                                        dent  Nixon  to  China  and  the   enih  recalJed.  • 'He  was  a  Phil-
      building  program.                accompanying  television  cov-   adelphia  advertising man named   ference  for  many  of  ns  centers
         COCJs  first  permanent build-                                                                   on  a  question  of  •'quality,.,.
       ing  will  house  at  ]east  20   erage  was  of  great  interest  to   Whittlesey  who  insisted  on  re-  Shall  we  have  a  quality  ath-
                                        most  Americans_. · but  the  event   visiting  a  village  we  had  pas-
       classrooms_.  a  library ..  audio-  held  · special  significance  fo.r   sed  through  a  few  homs  pre-  1eticsJ  program   01  a  quality
       visua   aiea-.  faculty  offices_.                                                                academic  curriculum?
       general  office  space_.  a  staff   Anton  Remenih..  c_emmunication   viously.                     But,.  the  question  is  not  as
                                                                            "After  we  had  left ..  the  Jap-
       lounge..  language.  and  teach-  se1vices  instructor  .at  COC.   anese  ente:red  the  town.  and   simple  as  that. And  .if  we  com-
       ing  Jabs..  :reading  rooIIIB..  and   Dming  World  War  n..  Rem-                              pare  the  bnilding  of  an  educa-
                                        enih  served  with  ass  (Office   when  Whittlesey..  against  the
       storage  areas.                                                                                   tional  program  to· the  construc-
                                        of Strategic Services-). Americ:a Js   advice  of  the  guerrillas~  re-
                                        espionage  and -sabotage  organi-  turned  to  it..  he  was  bayoneted   tion of· a  house,. we shall clearly
                                        zation.                          in  'f.he  back  and  his  head  was   see  the  fallacy.
                                          In  1944  he  was  assigned    chop  ed   Gff.                    To  construct  a  house.  we
                                        communications  officer  for  the   "The  -guerrillas  staged  a   cannot  merely  erect  one  wall
                                        historic  HDixie.u  mission  to   battle  to  reeove:r  the  body.   and  expect  the  structure  to  be
           ary  Anne  Lombardi_.  a  COC   Yenan ..  China.  wartime  _capital   any  died  in  the  fight.  and   complete.  O.r  can  we  tear down
       student ..  and  t  o  fo1mer  campus   of  the  Chinese  communists.   three  months  Jate1  Wbittlesey"s   that  wan.  erect  the  other three.
       coeds.  Georgann  amll  and Na-    He  spent  a  year  living  in .a   body~  packed  in  ice_.  showed   and  expect  the  house  then  to
       dine  Betsworth..  will  play  key   cave  at  the  remote  Red  head-  up  in  Yenan.  __        be  complete.
       parts  in  San  Fernando  Valley   quarters  near  the  Gobi  dese:rt ..   "Frankly..  we  were  impres-  We  must  construct  all  its
       State  College-ts  production  of   in  almost  daily  contact  with   sed  with  soldiers- willing  to   walls  evenly  and  simultane-
       Ed  ard  Albe es  ''  ho's  Afraid   ao  Tse-tung:. Chou En-lai .. Gen-  die  to  recover  the  body  of  a   ously.  Only  this  will  make  the
       of Virginia Woolf'•  at the Studio   e :r al  Chu  Teh_.  and  General   foreigner  they felt  hey had· not   foundation  stable.
       Theater  ay  25.                 (now   arsha])  Yeh.             properly   p:rotected. u
           · ss  Lombardi   ill  portray   '•we  were  a1lies  then  in the   Except  f o:r  one  instance  in   The  same  is  true  of  educa-
       the  brassy  lead  ro e  of  • •  ar-  sense  that  the  common  ene:my   which  an  Ame1ican ·  sergeant   tional  -institutions.  What  rea-
       tha u;   iss   andl  will  direct   was  -Japan._,'  said  Remenih.   became   ove:r l_y   f1iendly with   soning  is  there  in  scheduling
       t  e  play J,  and   iss  Bets  orth   ... Those  of  us  who- had  worked   Mrs.  Mao  at  a  dance_..  no "inci-  28 classes of physical  education
       will  be  technical  directm.  A11   both  with  the  Koumintang   dentsu  whatever  marred  the   this  quarter  when  we  offer  only
       are  or  ere  members  of  COC •s   (Chiang  Kai-shek"s  forces)  and   year  with  the  Reds.    four  classes  in  United  States
       drama organization .. Blue Masque.   the Reds frankly we:re impressed   HExcept  f o:r the state depart-  histor.Y?
         Admission  is  fwe.            by  the  willingness  of  one  (the   ment  officers  on  the  mission-  The  quality  of  this co1Jeges
                                        Reds)  to  fight  the  Japanese   seve:ral  of  whom   ere  persecu-  education  cannot  be  measured
                                        and  the  unwilJingness · of  the   ted  and destroyed  professional-  by  the  eventual  achievements
                                        other  {Chiang-'s  t:roops)  to  do   ly  in  ihe  Joe  McCarthy hysteria   of  our  valedictorians.  ••An  stu-
                                       the   same.                                                       dents  will  almost  always  do
         PlBLJSHED  TW CE   HL  BY                                       that  swept  over  America  after
         .JOUR    STlDENTS  AT  COL-      _..I  think  no  one  on  the Dix-  the  war-none  of  us  was  in-  well in ]if e. They are not a  true
         LEGE  OF  THE  C  NVONS.  EOJ-                                                                  measure  of  a  college's  ability
         TCA AL  OPI  ONS  EXP .,ESSEO  1   ie  mission  was  :rea]]y  surprised   volved · in  politics.  We  just  did
         T    PUSUCAT    RE  T  OSE      hen  after   orld  War  11_..:Mao-,s   the  jo  s   om  government  or-  to   teach.
         OF THE   ITER   OT  ECES-      troops  s  ept   Chiang's :reluc-
           RJLY  THOSE  CF THE COLLEGE.                                  dered  us  to  do.                 Or  can it be measured by the
                                        tant  soldiers  off  the  face  of   -"Consequently_.  we  got  along   winning  football  teams  we  pro-
               EDJTORJAl.  STAFF                                         just  fine  with  scho]ar]y   ao_..   duce  or  the  number  of  COC
               em  .Leac  •  Edi or       In  .addition  to  conducting   the   dreamer   and  id:eologiea]   athletes  that  make  the  profes-
         - Kev]   y     Day"d  HoeUje   a]]  coding  .and  communication   leader;   debonair   Chou_..  the   sional   :ranks.
          Neil    He    Ce este  Lyons   eho:res  for  the  mission"  Rem-  -wor]dJy doer, and  'Teddy Bear,
          ffc     Je1    Lauri  .sans                                                                       On  the  other  hand_.  how  well
          C.ra'i_g    Richard  Si_gnoretti   enih  also  trained  communist   Chu_.  the  fiihter. u     the  ucn  and  .unu  students
           Jlfi           Carol  Rice   gue:r:ri]]as  in  the  use  of  Amer-  Parties  always  celebI.ated
          Laura  .Leac      n  ofin    ican  portable  .radio  equipment_..   the  return  of  a  mission  from  be-  adapt  what  they  have  learned
                PHOTOGRAPHER           then  accompanied  them  behind   hind  the  Japanese  lines.     about  our  culture's  institutions
                        Br.uce  McKinney   the  Japanese  lines  to  set  up   .. 'Many  a  night  we  chop-  to  their  every-day  lives  does
                                       espionage  communications  net-   sticked  our  way  through  com-  constitute  a  viable  yardstick  of
             TONY  RE.IE  IH.  ADVISOR   works.                          munal  dishes   and .. gambei ed •   a  co]]eges  effectiveness.
                                          ••Only  one  of  us  (mission   (emptied  the  cup)  with  the  per-
                                        members)  was  caught  and  ex-        < Cont'd on Page 4)                    Bil  Leac
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