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      Tratk  Cougars                  New  Golf  Team

       Defend  Title                    Wins  Matches

                                         ThP  newly  formr cl  Cougar
             By  Don  Chambers         golf  t Pam.  th<'  first  in  COC 's
                                       young  history .  won  its  firs t
        The  Cougar  track  and  field   match,  a  29-25  win  over  Mt.
      team  will  depend  on  outstanding   San  Jacinto.  Not  only  did  the
      indi victual  performns  to  defend   tPam  win,  it  gave  18  points  to
      the  Desert  Conference  crown   thP  opposition.  BPst  score  in
      COC  won  last  year.            thP  four-man  squad  was  an  82-
         ''I  think  our  team  is  superior   turned  in  by  Dave  Harris.
      to  last  year's  in  individual  per-  In  a  second  meet.  COC  de-
      sonnel,  but  it's  desperately   feat ed   Barstow   45-9,  with
      lacking  in  balance,"  said  Coach   Scott  Allensworth  turning  in
      Ed  Jacoby.  "We  do,  however,   the  best  s core,  a  hot  76.
      have  an  excellent  group  of  mid-  The  team  is  coached  by  Bob
      dle  distance  and  distance  run-  Henson  of  Hart  High  School.
      ners  and  outstanding  personnel   In  addition  to Harris and  Allens-
      in  the  various  field  events."   worth,  the  team  roster  includes
        A  gaping  hole  in  the  team   Bill  Carpenter,  Craig  Douglas,
      roster  occurred  when  John Wood-  and  Jim  Chamberlain.
      ring,  last  year's  outstanding
      pole  vaulter,  was  drafted  into   HOOP  HONORS
      the   army.
        The  h u rd le s  al s o  pose  a   Two  Cougar  basketball
      hurdle. Coach Jacoby impatiently   standouts,  Larry  Bringham  (cen-
      is  a waiting  the  spring  quarter   ter,  forward),  and  Dan  E.  Smith
      when  Tick  Stewart  and  Geoff   (forward),  were  named  to  the
      Brown  will  become  eligible  for   All-Conference  first  team,   an-
      the  team.                       nounced  Coach  Lee  Smelser.
         But  the  distance  events  are   Dan  S.  Smith  (forward) and  Kal
      another  matter.  The  nucleus  of   Goudey  (guard)  received  honor-
      the  Cougar  team  revolves around   able  mention.  The  Cougars,
      its  two  great  distance  runners,   who  finished  third  in  the  league,
      Mike  Martinez  and  Jim  Bonnell.   chalked  up  an  over-all  record
         Martinez,  the  California    of  20  wins  and  12  losses,  and
    ~  cross  country  champion,  and   a  conference  mark  of  10-4.  The
      holder  of  conference  records  in   team  had  great  shooters,  aver-
      the  880,  the  mile,  and  the  3-i.   aging  better  than  5 0  per  cent
      mile,  is  one  of  the  top  JC  run-  in  32  ball  games.
      ners  in  the  country.  Bonnell,  a                              Ed  Roach  (left)  and  Howard  Hockenberry  were  named  "Outstanding
      sensational  freshman,  is  already   ELFORD  HOMERS              F ield  Athlete"  and  " Outstanding  Runner,"  respectively,  at  recent
      ranked  rourth  in  the  state  in                                Desert  Conference  Relays  held  at  Col lege  of  the  Desert.
      cross  country.                    To Jim  Elford,  who  plays  the
         Howard  Hockenberry  and  Tim   outfield,  first  base.  and  on  oc-
      Trigg  are  fine  half-milers.   casion,  pitches,  goes  the  honor
                                       of  hitting  the  first  home  run  in
         The  Cougars  growl ,  in  the
      field  events,  too.  Ed  Roach  is   coc•s  beautiful  new  ball  park.
      a  standout in the shotput,  discus,   The  slugger  hit  one  over  the
                                       left  field  fence :at the '  360-foot
      and  javelin,  and  Dan  Minyard
                                       mark  in  a  recent  game  with
      is  impressive  in  the  shotput  and   Imperial  Valley.  A  bit  later  in
      discus.                          the  same  game.  which  COC  won
         Ron  Polk  and  Richard  Carter   11-10,  Elford  pole-axed  another
      give COC  two  fine quarter milers,   round-tripper  over  the  left  field
      and  Dwight  Carr  is  the  team   fence,  this  one  "only"  340  feet
      "workhorse,"  which  often,  as
      in this  case,  means  that  the  man   from  horn e  plate.
      is  a  versatile  athlete.  Dwight   Bank  of  America
      competes  in  the  100  and  220
      yard. dashes,  the  long  jump,  and   (Cont'd  from  Page  1)
      the  triple  jump.               ing a  Bachelor of Science degree
         Other  Cougars  on  the  team   in  Business.
      are  John  Bennett,  Gary  Carson,   David  Knapp  is  the  college's
      Jerry  Jackson,  Steve  Passmore,   winner  in  the  technical-voca-
      John  Rexwinkle,  Bill  Savone,   tional  field.
      n'an  E. Smith, and Garth Osborne.   A  resident  of  Saugus,  David
                                       participates  in  several  com-
                                       munity  activities,  including  the
         Chorus  Concert               Devonshire   District  Scouting
                                       Post  and  the  Wm.  S.  Hart  Little
         The  College  Mixed  Chorus   League.
      will  present  a  noon  concert  on   Knapp,  a  10  year  employee
      Thursday,  March  16,  in  the  Stu-  of  the  Los  Angeles  Police  De-
      dent  Lounge.  Featured  will  be   partment,  hopes  to  obtain  his
      vocal  works  by  two  modern    Associate  in  Arts  degree  in      COC's  new  golf  team  has  won  its  first  two  matches.  Team  in-
      composers:   Elizabethan  Part   Police  Science  this  June.      cludes  Dave  Harris,  Bill  Carpenter,  and  Craig  Douglas  (above)  and
      Songs  by  the  late  English  com-  His  ambitions  are  to  attain   Scott  Allensworth  and  Jim  Chamberlain.  The  team  is  coached  by
      poser,  Ralph  Vaughan  Williams,   the  rank  of  captain and  to com-  Bob  Henson  (right,  above)  of  Hart  High  School.
      and  excerpts  from  Frostiana   mand  the  Juvenile  division  of
      (country  songs  on  texts  by  Ro-  the  LAPD.
      bert  Frost)  by  Randall  Thomp-  Rodney  Skinner  of  Valencia                                   Eric  Noet,  Debbie Stunson,  Rick
      son,  an  American.              represents  COC  in  the  science      Blue  Masque               van  Belleghem,  Marlene  van
                                       and  engineering  field.                                          Eunen,  and  Debbie  Wilborn.
         Spring  quarter  registration  is   Rodney  is  a  member  of  Alpha   Blue  Masque,  COC's  drama   The  group  recently  presented
      underway  and  will  continue    Gamma  Sigma,  the  Mathematics   group,  will  present  a  reading  of   a  reading  at  the  Leona Cox  Ele-
      T h r o u g h  T h u rs day,  March  16,   Lab,  the  President's  Honor  List,   James  Thurber's  "The  13   mentary  School.
      Classes  start  April  3  and  con-  and  the  Judicial  Council.   C Zoe ks "  in  the  Student  Lounge
      tinue  through  June  16.  Class   A  Magic  Mountain  employee,   on  Thursday,  March  16,  at  5:30   Students  who  have  applica-
      schedule information is available   Skinner  participates  in  several   p.m.,  and  on  Friday,  March  17,   tions  on  file  in  the  Job  Place-
      in  the  Office  of  Admissions  and   community  groups,  including  the   at  noon.              ment  Office  should  update  them
      Records.                         Duplicate  Bridge  Club.            Participants  are  Anne  Molin,   at  the beginning of each quarter.
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