Page 27 - coccanyoncall_fy19711972
P. 27

China  Poll                 Millie  Powers

                                       "Best  of  Show"
            (Cont'd  from  Page  1)
      countries.                          Millie   Powers'   Poppies,  a
         Cindy  Astuto--It  is  most  im-  pastel,  won  "Best  of  Show"
      portant  to  reestablish  relations   at  last  Sunday's  art  exhibit  in
      with  China,  the  most  populated   the  Student  Lounge,  and  Tim
      nation  in  the  world.  It  is  really   Harrington's  Navajo  Girl,  also
      absurd  to  think  that  one  nation   a  pastel,  was  judged  "Show
      can  deny  the  existence  of  an-  favorite".  The  show  was  staged
      other  simply  by  withdrawing  its   by  Ann  Heidt,  art  instructor.
      diplomats  and  by  breaking  com-  Priscilla  Van  Gorder  of  Saugus
      munication.  However,  I  also   was  judge.
      believe  the  visit  was  politically   Miss  Powers  and  Harrington
      oriented.                        also  tied  for  first  place  in  the
         Al  Lowry--It 's  like  taking   Pencil  and  Pastel  division,  and
      hold  of  a  rattlesnake.  You  can't   Frank  Dixon's  Galacia  placed
      really  trust  them,  and  they've   second  in  the  "Show  Favorite"
      shown  this  in  the  past.  T·he  trip   category.
      was  a  failure  because  it  was   Other  first  place  winners
      comparable  to  talking  to  a  brick   were  Jim  Birch,  Pen  and  Ink;
      wall.  The  Chinese  hate  our  guts   Nijole   Kent,   Painting;  Paul
      but  they  will  take  our  money.   Osterhues,  Mixed  Media,  and
         Jerry  Ethridge--It  was  a  po-  Harrington,  again,  for  Contour.
      litical  move,  with  the  benefits   Additional  winners  in  the
      of  the  trip  still  to  be  revealed   Pencil and  Pastel  division  were
      to  the  public._.  I  doubt  that  the   Joel  McConnell,  2d;  Helena
      Chinese  people  wanted  Mr.  Nix-  Silverman,  3d;  LuAnn  Mcwil-   Future  LVN's  pose  for  capping  photo  at  recent  ceremony  (see
      on  to  visit  them.  I  think  their   liams,  4th,  and  Claudia  Dedo,   story,  below).  Speakers  included  Bruce  Fortine,  vice president-clerl<,
      cool  reception  showed  this.   honorable  mention.              Board  of  Trustees,  and  Gary  Mouck,  COC  vice  president  and  assis-
         Bob  Kaylor--I  hope  we  have   Pen  and  Ink:  April  Cook,  2d;   tant  superintendent-instruct ion.
      finally  recognized  the  fact  that   Tim  Harrington,  3d;  Frank  Dix-
      governments  must  communicate.   on,  4th,  and  Jim  Birch,  honor-
      But  this  trip  is  just  a  beginning.   able  mention.         LYN  HOPEFULS                      Mrs.  Hazel  C.  Carter,  R.N.,
      Let's  see  what  will  now  happen.   Painting:  Claire  McAuliff e,                             COC 's  director  of  vocational
      I  can't  get  too  excited  over  the   2d;  Hope  Burgess,  3d;  Kim  Ros-  RECEIVE  CAPS       nursing,  introduced the  st·udents,
      trip.                            ier,  4th,  and  Jeri Spenare,  honor                            and  Sherry  Holland,  R.N. ,  and
        Wi II iam  Ya lot i 1--Mr.  Nixon's   able  mention.              In  a  recent  ceremony  held  in   Helen  C.  Lusk,  R.N.,  vocational
      trip is  part  of  his  plan  for  peace   Contour:  LuAnn  McWilliams,   the  C o 11 e g e · of  the  Canyons'   nursing  instructors,  performed
      in  Southeast  Asia.  In  the  over-  2d;  Nijole  Kent,  3d;  Tim  Har-  Board  Room,  14  vocational  nur-  the  capping  rites.
      al 1 1::iig  picture  of  war  and  peace,   rington,  4th,  and  Marsha  Lem-  sing  (LVN)  students  received   The  class  was  congratulated
      I  think  the  trip  served  a  good   mon  and  Tim  Harrington,  hon-  their caps,  signifying completion   by  Marjorie  Becker,  R.N.,  dir-
      purpose.  However,  I  also  think   orable  mention.             of  40  units  in  the  80  unit  course   ector  of  nurses  at  Golden  State
      that  the  trip  to  China  is  part  of   Mixed  Media:  Stephanie  Rob-  of   instruction.      Hospital.
      Mr.  Nixon's  master  plan  for  re-  erts,  2d;  Richard  van  "Belleg-  The  students  were  Mrs.  Jean
      electiqn  in  November.          hem,  3d;  and  Paul  Plamondon,   Amos,  Mr.  Wendell  Carroll,  Miss
        Herb  Green-- It's  great  to  re-  honorable  mention.         Catherine  Ellis,  Mrs.  Marion   L.A. Times Host
      establish  relations  with  the                                   Gallant,  Mrs.  Helene  Grandahl,
      Chinese.  However,  you  can't   ury  Marco  Polo.  It  makes  good   Mrs.  Glendora  Henricksen ,  Mrs.   To  Ad  Class ,
      really  trust  them.  I  say  Amer-  copy  for  the  history  books.   Pamela  Laswell,  Mrs.  Laura
      ica's  leaders  should concentrate   Bill  Leach--I  am  solidly  be-  LoFiego,  Mrs.  Barbara  Mccol-
      on  solving  America's · domestic   hind  e x t e n ding  the  hand  of   lum,  Mrs.  Valerie  Richardson,   COC's  Business  Advertising
      problems  first.                 friendship  to  the  Chinese  peo-  Mrs.  Nancy  Rhynsburger,  Mrs.   class  recently  visited  the  Los
        Mike  Whitmore--The  trip  was   ple.  However,  I  strongly  resent   Antoinette  Scaramella,  Mrs.  Pa-  Angeles  Times  for  a  private
      beneficial  in  the  sense  that   the  fact  that  Mr.  Nixon  was  the   tricia  Todd  and  Mrs.  Thelma   two  and  one-half  hour  tour  con-
      China  controls  Southeast  Asia   man  to  do  it.  I  feel  that  he  has   Urness.              ducted  by  three  company  exec~
      and  it  is  stupid  to  ignore  that   walked  blindfolded  and  back-  The  caps  are  symbolic  of  the   utives,  Leon a rd  Pomerantz,
      fact  and  that  country.  The  trip   wards  into  a  Pandora  Box  to   school  the  nurses  attend.  Each   sales  manager  for  retail  ad ver-
     may  give  America  an  opportunity   promote  his  own  political  goals.   school  conducting  a  course  in   tising;  Lon  Warren,  nigh~ prod-
     t0  establish  re lat ions  with China   However,  the  quality,  motives,   nursing  designs  a  cap  which   uction   superintendent,  and
      similar.  to  those  now  existing   and  actions  of  an  administra-  its  nursing  graduates  will  wear   James  Lloyd,  day  production
     with  Russia.  However ,  I  don't   tion  are  not  easily  determined   throughout  their  careers.   superintendent.
      believe  we  should  cut  back   during   that   administration's   The  school  colors  are  added   Students  observed  production
     troops  in  Taiwan  to  appease   tenure.  Future  generations  must   to  the  cap  upon  graduation.   of  ads  from  inception  to  publi-
     China  because  power  balances   judge  Mr.  Nixon's  trip.         The  ceremony  included a  wel-  cation  in  the  first  edition  of  the
      power.                             Fred  F ink--I  am  for  reestab-  coming  address  by  Bruce  For-  paper,  including  new  computer _
        Cassandra--Lincoln  had  his   lishing  relations  with  China,   tine: vice-president  and  clerk  of   techniques  by  which  advertise-
     Emancipation  Proclamation;       but  I  am  afraid  this  (Mr.  Nixon's)   the  Board  of  Trustees,  and  a   ments  are  prepared  press-ready
      Wilson  had  his  League  of  Na-  trip)  was  primarily  a  political   talk  by  Norman  G.   Mouck,  Jr.,   in  20 minutes,  or  le·ss.
      tions;  FDR  had  his  New  Deal,   gambit.                       assistant   superintendent,  in-   Following  the  tour,  the  class
      and  Mr.  Nixon  has  his  China.   Mrs.  Morna  Hughes--I  think   struction,  and  college  vice-  was  hosted  by  the  Times  to  a
     In  our  President's  rather  elusive   the  trip  was  Pollyannish.  He   president,              late  evening  snack  in  the  com- ·
      search  for .  an  Image,  he  has   went  out  of  his  way  to  establish                       pany   cafeteria.
      assumed  the  role  of  a  20th  cent-  political  friendship.

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