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For any concrete repair project, the process of investigation,   and mechanically attached to the existing concrete.
      laboratory analysis, trial samples, mock-ups, and full-scale   Reinforcement materials used in repairs most often
      repairs allows ongoing refinement of the repair work as    include mild steel, epoxy-coated steel, or stainless steel,
      well as implementation of quality-control measures. The    depending on existing conditions.
      trial repair process provides an opportunity for the owner,
      architect, engineer, and contractor to evaluate the concrete   Formwork and Molds
      mix design and the installation and finishing techniques for
      the repairs from both technical and aesthetic standpoints.   Special formwork is needed to recreate ornamental
      The final repair materials and procedures should match     concrete features - which may be complex, in high
      the original concrete in appearance while meeting the      relief, or architecturally detailed-and to provide special
      established criteria for durability. Information gathered   surface finishes such as wood form board textures.
      through trial repairs and mock-ups is invaluable in refining   Construction of the formwork itself requires particular
      the construction documents prior to the start of the overall   skill and craftsmanship. Reusable forms can be used for
      repair project (Fig. 17).                                  concrete ornamentation that is repeated across a building
                                                                 facade, or precast concrete elements may be used to
      Surface Preparation                                        replace missing or unrepairable architectural features.
                                                                 Formwork for ornamental concrete is often created using
      In undertaking surface preparation for historic concrete   a four-step process: a casting of the original concrete is
      repair, care must be taken to limit removal of existing    taken; a plaster replica of the unit is prepared; a mold or
      material while still providing an appropriate substrate for   form is made from the plaster replica; and a new concrete
      repairs. This is particularly important where ornamentation   unit is cast. Custom formwork and molds are often the
      and fine details are involved.  Preparation for localized   work of specialty companies, such as precasters and cast
      repairs usually begins with removal of the loose concrete   stone fabricators.
      to determine the general extent of the repair, followed by
      saw-cutting the perimeter of the repair area. The repair area   The process of forming architectural features or special
      should extend beyond the area of concrete deterioration    surface textures is particularly challenging if early age
      to a sufficient extent to provide a sound substrate. When   stripping (removal of formwork early in the concrete
      repairing concrete with an exposed aggregate or other      curing process) is needed to perform surface treatment
      special surface texture, a sawcut edge may be too visually   on the concrete. Timing for formwork removal is related
      evident. To hide the repair edge, techniques such as lightly   to strength gain, which in turn is partly dependent on
      hand-chipping the edge of the patch may be used to         temperature and weather conditions. Early age removal of
      conceal the joint between the original concrete and the new   formwork in highly detailed concrete can lead to damage
      repair material. The depth to which the concrete needs to   of the new concrete that has not yet gained sufficient
      be removed may be difficult to determine without invasive   strength through curing.
      probing in the repair area. Removal of concrete should
      typically extend beyond the level of the reinforcing steel, if   Selection of Repair Materials and Mix Design
      present, so that the patch encapsulates the reinforcing steel,
                                                                 Selection and design of proper repair materials is a
      which provides mechanical attachment for the repair.
                                                                 critical component of the repair project. This process
      If the concrete was originally of lower strength and quality,   requires evaluation of the performance, characteristics,
      the assessment of present soundness is more difficult.     and limitations of the repair materials, and may involve
      Deteriorated and unsound concrete is typically removed     laboratory testing of proposed materials and trial repairs.
      using pneumatic chipping hammers. Removal of concrete      The materials should be selected to address the specific
      in historic structures is better controlled by using smaller   type of repair required and to be compatible with special
      chipping hammers or hand tools. The area of the concrete   characteristics of the original concrete. Some modern
      to be repaired and the exposed reinforcing steel are       repair materials are designed to have a high compressive
      then cleaned, usually by careful sandblast and air blast   strength and to be impermeable. Even though inherently
      procedures applied only within the repair area. Adjacent   durable, these newer materials may not be appropriate for
      original concrete surfaces should be protected during this   use in repairing a low strength historic concrete.
      work. In some cases, project constraints such as dust control
                                                                 The concrete's durability, or resistance to deterioration,
      may limit the ability to thoroughly clean the concrete and
                                                                 and the materials and methods selected for repair
      steel. For example, it may be necessary to use needle scaling
                                                                 depend on its composition, design, and quality of
      (a small pneumatic impact device) and wire brushing
                                                                 workmanship. In most cases, a mix design for durable
      instead of sandblasting.
                                                                 replacement concrete should use materials similar to
      Supplemental steel may be needed when existing             those of the original concrete mix. Prepackaged materials
      reinforcing steel is severely deteriorated, or if reinforcing   are often not appropriate for repair of historic concrete.
      steel is not present in repair areas. Exposed existing     The concrete patching material can be air entrained or
      reinforcing and other embedded steel elements can be       polymer-modified if subject to exterior exposure, and
      cleaned, primed, and painted with a corrosion-inhibiting   should incorporate an appropriate selection of aggregate
      coating. The patching material should be reinforced        and cement type, and proper water content and water
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