Page 14 - elizondo1953
P. 14

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                     :b'l  general  structureiJ.  Bnd  stratigraphic  tel"TtlS"  Other  authors~  including
                    .Miller  (1952),  Hill  (1939)  and  Hal.laway  (191½0),  have  made  contr:tbutiontsl

                    thnt  directly  or  incUrectly have  some  i~onnection with  the  work

                        the irrri ter.

                    Aok.1ot,ledgments 11
                                This work  could  not  have  been  earr.ied  to its completion

                    without  the  invaluable  halp of  several  persons.  Drli  Richard  Ho  Ja.hJ,lBi;i

                    &om California  L-istitute  of  Technology"  gave  advice  on  the  g01nera.l

                    nature  o.f  the  problemt  and  too!:  the  H1•iter  to nort,heastern  localitios  9

                    where  evidences  of special  fl.ow  and  seditnentological  processes  occur  in

                    :rocks  that  prol,abl.,v  are  related  in  age  to  sediments  thereafc'  ei1coun-

                    terad  by the writer in  hie  OW11  area.,  Fruitful  talks with  iv'.o::"11  William.

                    R,~  Muehlberger,  o:r  Cal1tornia .Institute  of Technolqgy 1  wbstru::rt1atec'il

                    some  of the  conclusions  s·at  forth  :in  this reporto

                                0£  spacial  aid  to the  wr:i:ter  wa.e  the  ten·~tive  classifica,tio:n,

                    ~de  by  Dr.,  QQorge  EdwSJtd  l'..$vic,,  of the  U:nitad  Sts.tes  Ooologicsl  SU.rve::,p

                    of some  vertebrate  fossils  from  the  Mint  Canyon  forma.tion11

                               'fbe  field  worli:  was  considerably  stimulated  by  the  ge11erosity,-

                    hospita.lity  al'.ld  courtesy  of M'.rs..,  and   Louis  Raggio  who  f'o:r  silt
                   weeks  during the  summer  of'  1952.,  were  hosts  to  the  author  in their  h0013 v

                    on  the  San  Francisquito  Canyon  Road,  8  m:Ues  north  of'  Saugus11  'l:he.

                   par-mission  given  by  Mre  He  Brown,  o.f'  Rrook e  ranch,  7  mile$  north  of.  the
                   dam,  .for  going  through  tha  gate  o:t  the  earth road  connecting  St11  Fra:ucil!'i
                   l)pl'n, vit.h Oha-t'lic  Oa.n;ron,  i&  greatly  appreciat.ed.11
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