Page 15 - elizondo1953
P. 15

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                    the  author  in different '!f1ays  during  the  t:ur;c  spont  in thfl  fields11

                                The  laboratory and  library facilities  at California  Insti•tut0

                    of  Technology were  of'  great  a.ssiatance  in the  prepe.,ratio:n  of the

                                                      STRA TIGRAPiff

                               ?4etamorphio  and  elastic  sedimentary           aN  distributed

                    extensively  in  the  .map  areal!!  About  SOOO  feet  of  eerliments 11  rangil1g

                    1n age  from  Eocene  to Recant,  were  deposited  :tn  an  a.rea  underla:i.n

                    81'.'tinitio  and  metamorphic  rocks@   'ft.Mi~  a~dimenta  are  younger  ·t.o  tho

                   west  and  to the  south,  indicating that  tho  area  studied  repr.eaants  the

                   margin  of a  large  basi.n.

                   Basement  rooks,

                               The  northeastern.moat  part of'  the  area  stuiiied  1e  1.'¾)Jpr.eiss:ntA:!d

                   by  3.,2  square  miles  of ootam.orphio  .rocks  named  by  Hershey Jl,../  Pelona

                   J:./ Hershey,  Oll'H.  "Quaternary  of'  Southern Cal.itorniani.  The  Americ,r1,'l
                   Geologist,  Vol-,  29,  1902B,,  Legend  of ms.p  P.lo  I'll

                   schists.,  It forms  part  of'  a  tongue  projected  to  the  southwest,  f'ro:m  the

                   southern  flank or  the.Sierra  Palona  anticline,

                               A thrust  fault  separates  the  Pslona  schists  from  Eooene(?)-

                   YJ.Qeene( ?)  red beds  on  the west.,  whereae  a  non~onformable  depoa:l.tfonal
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