Page 31 - fillmore1930yearbook
P. 31

Vernon  Nelson:  "Cannon  Ball"  is  the  name.  I  don't  know  why;  you  don't
                  know  why;  he  doesn't  know  why;  we  don't;  they  don't,  so  don't  ask  why.
                      Howard  Price:  Price  makes  up  for  all  the  wise  men  and  weather  prophets,  yet
                  a  goodly egg he ith.
                      Virginia  Purvis:  Jinny's  a  married  woman.  Oh  man,  she  am  one  fine  cook;  no
                  livin'  out  of cans  for  her  ( or  hubby,  either) .
                      Louise Reams:  We all  know  her  as  "Weasel."  She's  an  all  around  girl.  When
                  it  comes  to  seniors,  she's right there  with  the  welfare  work.
                      Arabella  Roche:  'Bella  is  sweet,  sweet  as  a  May  flower.  D'yuh  know  that  girl
                  can  sing  more  popular  pieces  than  you  or  I  could  buy.  Still  that  might  not  be  so
                  hard  after  all.
                      Edythe  Root:  Edie's  noted  for  her  frank  statements.  Personal  opinions  are
                  given freely.  This is  our opinion, though:  She's got H.  P.  pickin' petals off-a  daisies.
                  He might leave some for  the rest  of us  to  pick.
                      Vernon  Schumacher:  Just  a  good  old  standby,  that's  what  he  is.  He  is  always
                  at  our  service.
                      Ralph  Schunick:  "Stilts"  is  just  the  opposite  of  the  other  Ralph.  His  hair  is
                  light  and  his  eyes  blue.  As  for  stature, he's  got  it.
                      Mary  Scott:  One Mary  had  a  little  lamb;  another  Mary  got  beheaded,  but  this
                  Mary isn't related to  either.  This is  Scotty.
                      Gretchen  Stewart:  "Gretchy"  is  a  sister  to  all  the  Stewarts  who  have  graduated
                  from  F.  U.  H.  S.,  perhaps.  For  further  information  ask  Ruth  Arundel!.  They're
                  pals,  you know.
                      Verna  Stoll:  Stoll  used  to  be  seen driving  Hepsy  about;  now  it's  Olaf.  Olaf is
                  much  better  behaved.
                      Maude  Stroud:  "Muddie" has  become  Mary  Balden's  chaperone  this  last  year.
                  It is  quite  clear  that  she has  Mary completely in hand.
                      Marvin  Sturgeon:  We  hereby  declare  his  name to  be  "Old  Faithful."  There're
                  lots  of obligin'  people in  the  senior  class,  but Marvy's  the  obliginest  of the  obligin'.
                      Virginia Wammock:  "Ginger" is  always seen  with Fay in Rolls Ruff.  Her flam-
                  ing  top  advertises  her  presence,  and  how!  Pretty  soon  she'll  be  saying,  "You  can't
                  catch  me;  I'm the  gingerbread  lady."
                      Cecil  Warring:  "Cec"  comes  from  Piru,  he  does.  He's  another  of  our  semor
                  songsters  and  violent violinists.
                      Madge  Wileman:  She's  "Midget"  to  some  and "Buttons"  to  others.  My  sakes!
                  That  girl  does  have  the  arguingest  disposition.  If  it  isn't  with  Dick,  it's  with  Earl.
                      Ruth Wileman:  Dear o'  Rufus!  She's seldom  angry and hardly ever talks back.
                  She  knows  when  she's  well  off.
                      Fay Wilson:  Fay leads a  hard life.  Every day she trots  around to  all the rooms
                  and  carries  the  announcement  sheets  thither.  In  the  far  future  we  shall  see  Fay  in
                  the  messenger  gir 1 service.
                      Lois  Young:  Shorty  is  short  for  Lois,  but  Lois  is  short;  therefore  Shorty  is
                  short.  I  would like to say that being short isn't a  handicap;  it's  a  blessing  ( at times).

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