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                       In  September  the  junior high  was  a  departmentalized  seventh  and  eighth  grade
                   school.  Since then  the  junior  high  under  the  capable  leadership  of  Mr.  Goulet  and
                   his  corps  of  teachers  has  traveled  a  long  ways  towards  the  goal  of  a  unified  junior
                   high  with  diversified  studies  and  activities
                       Mr.  Goulet has  during  the  course  of  the  year  instituted  the  following  important
                   things:  (1)  Organized  clubs  to  be held  each Thursday for  a  half  hour.  Mr.  Goulet
                   took  charge  of  the  Archery  Club;  Miss  Amy  Smith,  of  the  Camp  Fire  Girls;  Miss
                   Albright,  of the Dramatics  Club;  Miss  Pitthan,  of  the Girls'  Athletic  Club;  Mr.  Pal-
                   mer,  of the  Aviation  Club;  Miss  Bradley,  of  the Home  Economics  Club;  Miss  Tink-
                   ham  and  Miss  Symons,  of  the  Assembly  group.
                       The  Archery  Club  has  made its  equipment  and  established  target  practice.  The
                   Camp  Fire  Girls  have  held  a  rummage  sale  and  fitted  a  small room  in  the  junior
                   high  building  for  the  girls  to  use  as  their  own.  The  Aviation  Club  has  stimulated
                   interest in  aviation,  in  making  planes  and  has  held  several  meets  within  its  own
                   group. The  Dramatics  Club has given several  plays,  one was  for  the January gradu-
                   al ion  exercises, and  has  undertaken  the  restoration  of  the  auditorium  as  such  iri  the
                   junior  high.  Home  Economics  Club  stressed  the  planning  of  meals  and  of  parties.
                   The  Girls' Athletic  Club  has  given  the  girls  an  opportunity  for  home  craft  work.
                   The Assembly group takes care of all pupils who  do not wish to do club work.
                       (2)   An  organized  weekly  assembly  with  occasional  group  singing.  (3)  An
                   organized  system for  handling  textbooks.  ( 4)  Established  a  detention  room  three
                   nights  a  week  to  take  care of  children  who  are  not keeping  up  their  work.  ( 5)  Or-
                   ganization  of  a  Safety  Committee.  ( 6)  Weekly  Junior  High  notes  for  the  paper.
                   (7)  Organization  of  a  Junior  Scholarship  Society.  (8)  Ability  grouping  in  the
                   eighth  grade.  (9)  Immediate check-up  on  absentees.
                       Two  departments which Mr.  Goulet has hopes to see doing  more work next  year
                   are the  music  and  art.  Mr.  Palmer has  charge  of  the music.  Thirty-five  pupils  have
                   begun  the  study  of  some  instrument  this  year.  The  junior  high  has  a  band  and  an
                   orchestra  of  its  own.  The  seventh  and  the  eighth  grades  have  a  varied  program  of
                   group  singing,  music  appreciation,  history of music,  theory  of  music,  and  have had
                   music  contests  within  their  groups.  The art classes  have  done  some  excellent  model-
                   ling  in  soap,  basketry  work,  and  models  of  cars  and  aeroplanes.
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