Page 37 - fillmore1930yearbook
P. 37

Some  of  us  are  also  musically  inclined,  although  a  few  still  play  saxaphones.
                The  orchestra  and  Glee  Clubs  are  well  supported  by  Juniors.
                    We are  certain  that  the  speaker  would  notice  "Mud"  Stearns-one  of  the  starv-
                ing  song-writers-distinguishing  himself  by  writing  "Fight  On  For  Paduca  High."
                He,  Jack  Connors,  Ona  Wallace,  Gail  Cochran  and  Dorothy  Elkins  have  helped  in
                plays given this year-the last two  playing important roles in the Student Body Play,
                "Square  Crooks."
                    So  look  for  us  to  give  you  future  presidents,  senators  and  representatives  of
                the  United  States  and  all  points  south-they  are  in  the  making  in  our  class.  You
                had  better  get acquainted with  us  so  that  when  we  become  famous  you  can  say  you
                knew  us  in high  school.


                    The  Sophomore  Class  of  1930  has  greatly  reduced  in  the  number  of
                students.  As  we  promised  last  year,  we  have  taken  a  leading  part  in  the  school
                affairs.  We  did  our  part  in  sending  our  boys  out  for  athletics.  They  took  part  in
                basketball,  football,  baseball  and  track.  The  girls  took  part  in  volley  ball,  basket-
                ball  and  hockey.
                    We  did  not  plan  any  class  parties  this  year  because  our  lessons  come  first,
                (at  least  that  is  what  our  teachers  tell  us.)  We  prove  this  because  a  large  number
                of Sophomore's  are  in  the Scholarship  Society,  and  we  are very  proud  of them.
                    Next year we  will  be  the  jolly  Juniors.  Keep  watching  us,  and  see  our  class
                honors  grow throughout the  coming  years.

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