Page 16 - firstpresbyterian1976cookbook
P. 16

All  Bran  Muffins

           1¾·  cups  flour
           3  teaspoons  baki ng  powder
           ½ t easpoons  salt
           1/3  cup  sugar                          sift  tog ether

           1  cup  bran
           1  cup  milk                                                    [.
           1  egg
           ¾ cup  oil                Let  stand  1  or  2  min.
                                      then  add  the  oil.
                                     Beat  well.
           Add  dr y  ingr edients  to  cereal  mix ture
           stirring  only  to  c ombine.        Fill  12
           greased  muffin  cups.       Bake  400°  for  25

                                       Valerie  Osterholt

                           White  Bread

           2  cup s  water
           1  cup  buttermilk              Bring  t o  boil  &cool.
           ¼ cup  marg~rine

                Dissov e  3  yea st  cakes  in  3/4  cup
           warm  water.     Add  3  Tablespoons  sugar  &  2
           tablespoons  salt  t o  milk  &  wat er  mixture.
           Mix  with  7-8  cups  flour.      Knead  10  minut es.
           Let ~rise  l½  hours.     Ma ke  into  4  loaves.
           Let  ri s e  a gai n .   Bak e  350- 375°  for  45  min.
                                           Sharon  Maxwell

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