Page 13 - gracebaptist1973cookbook
P. 13

K I  T C H E  N  HELP  S

       QA!!  ~

       SIZE                PRODUCT                CUPS    SERVINGS

       No.  2              Fruits,  vegetables    2  1 /2   4  to  6
       No.  2 1 /2         Fruits,  vegetables    3  1 /2   6  to  8
       46  oz.             Juices                 5 J/4   6  to  8
       No.  10             Fruits,  juices       1J      18  to  25

       A few  drops  or  teaspoon  of peanut  butter placed  in  the
       bottom  of  each  muffin pan  before  batter  is  added  gives
       muffins  a  fine  nutty  flavor.
       Orange  or  lemon  juice  does  not produce  a  distinct  flavor
       in baked  goods--but  grated  rind  of  either does.
       Any  cleaning  fluid  will  remove  marks  left  on  skin  by
       adhesive  tape.
       To  make  pure  celery  salt put  the  leaves  from  celery
       into a  pie plate  and  place  in warming  oven  to  dry.  When
      dry,  roll  on  a  piece  of  paper until  very  fine.  }'ut  into
      a  salt  shaker  and  use  instead  of  celery  salt.  It is  fine
       served  in  soups.
      To  give  baked  apples  a  delightful  flavor  and  to  color
      and  sweeten,  add  a  few  cinnamon  candies.   Remove
       core  from  bud  end  but  do  not  cut  clear through;  this  keeps
       the  candies  in the  apple.

      To  one  pound  of  butter,  gradually  cream  in  one  tall
      can  of  evaporated  milk  and  a  little  salt.  Chill  and
      you  have  two  pounds·  of  delicious  spread.

             Go  to  the  market,  what  do  you  find
             A beautiful  assortment,  of  all  shapes  and  kinds
             Olives  in  small  cans,  pickles  in  jars
             Crackers  in boxs,  and  great  candy  bars
             There's  broccoli  and  spinich  and  asparagus,  too
             Apples  and  bananas,  there's  something  for  you
             And  when  you  return  with  all your  great  treats
             You  suddenly  remember  you  forgot  to  get  meat

                                       written  by  Chris  McClelland
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