Page 18 - hart1968yearbook
P. 18

Practical, Fine Arts Teach Appreciation.

                                  The  fine  arts  department  at  Hart  Hi  this  year   community.
                                gave  many  of  our  students  meaningful  experi-  The Art Department, with  its  unique building,
                                ences  they  will  be  grateful  they  had  in  later  life.   under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Harold  Rasmussen,
                                  Our  fine  Music  D epartment,  under  the  direc-  taught  students  to  be  creative  with  their  hands
                                tion  of  Mr.  Robert  K.  Downs  and  Mr.  Larry   as  well  as  with  their  minds.  These  works  were
                                Mason,  spent  many  long,  hard  hours  of  practice   seen  throughout  the  year  in  the  many  displays
                                in  preparation  to  entertain  our  student  body  and   near  the front office  and  elsewhere on campus.
                                community.                                       The  Drama  D epartment,  under  the  direction
                                  This  year  both  the  Varsity  Choir  and  the   of  Mr.  Bill  Black,  has  also  encouraged  students
                                Varsity  Band  participated  at  the  Pomona  Fair.   to  work  with  their  minds.  This  year  the  students
                                This  was  the  first  year  that  our  Choir  has  par-  worked  and  rehearsed  many  long,  hard  hours  on
                                ticipated  in  such  an  activity.  Also  presented  by   the  major  production  of  "The  Diary  of  Anne
                                our  band  and  choral  groups  this  year  were  nu-  Frank",  which  turned  out  to  be  one  of  the  best
       Dept.  Chairman
       Larry  Mason             merous  musical  offerings  for  our  school  and   drama productions ever  presented by Hart Hi.
       University  of  Utah
       B.S.  M.S.

       Katherine Donaldson   Paul  D onaldson     Robert  D owns       Everett  Niewoehner   Harold Rasmussen
       Pasadena  City  College   California  State  College  at   Ohio  State  University   Colorado State University   California College of Arts
       Cal  State             l ong  Beach        B.S.  M.A.           Colorado  State  College   and  Crafts
       A.A.  B.A.            A.B.M.A.                                  B.A.  M.A.            Institute  Allende
                                                                                             B.A.  M.F.A.

       Mathematics Is The                                    At  least  two  years  of  mathematics  courses  are  the  minimum  re-
                                                         quirements  for  college-bound  students.  Additional  courses  are  espe-
                                                         cially  necessary  for  those  planning  to  become  math  or  science  majors,
       Language Of                                       because  the  two  fields  are  so  closely  correlated.  The  Math  Department
                                                         is  tailored  to  meet  these  needs  by  offering  something  for  everyone-
                                                         from  algebra  I  through  math  analysis,  calculus,  and  independent study.

        Dean  Hurd           Robert  McElroy       A.  I.  Ruby         James  Sutton        D ennis  Warren
        University  of  California  at   Rocky  Mountain College   Simpson  College   Gonzaga  University   Gonzaga  University
         Los  Angeles        B.S.                  San  Diego  State    San  Fernando  Valley  State   B.Ed. M.A.
        San  Fernando Valley State                 B.A.  M .A.            College
          College                                                       B.B.A.  B.Ed.
        B.A. M.M.A.

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