Page 19 - hart1968yearbook
P. 19

By  using  the  language  lab,  foreign  language  students  learn  to
       Foreign Languages                                     comprehend  and  th ink  in  Spanish  or  French.  Class room  speaking
                                                             and  oral  reports  improve  speaking  skills  while  exercises  from  the
                                                             text  and  creative  composition  help  the student to  read  and  write the
      Help Us To Know                                        second  tongue.
                                                                Learning  another  language  is  of  value  to  all  students  because,
                                                             as  language  barriers  are  conquered,  und erstanding  and  respect  be-
      People Everywhere                                      tween  different  countries  broadens  and  deepens.  The  value  of
                                                             learning  a  foreign  language  is  in  the  exchange  of  ideas  for  the
                                                             benefit of all.

                                    Mr. Edwards sings,  "O Sole Mio"  ... "and the beat goes on."

              Arthur Edwards       Raoul  Hurd           Marie Schnepple             D ept.  Chairman
              Pasadena  City  College   Grinnell  College   San  Jose  State         Billy  Hughes
              Cal  State,  L.A.    University  of Iowa   Stanford                    Oklahoma  City  University
              A.A.  B.A.            University of Lyons   A.B. M.A.                  University  of  Paris
                                   A.B.A.M.                                          Univer  itv  of  Colorado
                                                                                     B.A.  M.A.
                                                                                     Certicat de  la  Langue
                                                                                       Francaise                 15
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