Page 30 - hart1978yearbook
P. 30

Splitting Water-Polo

              The 1977 Varsity Water-Polo Team was
              Hart's  best  squad  accordmg  to  Coach
                 Barr  The  team's  record  was  7  wms
                  7  losses  Two  of those  losses  were
                 agamst some  of the  toughest  teams
              m  Southern Cahforma  Gettmg started
               m the first half seemed to be a problem.
             The  team  would  get  behmd  m  the  first
               half and  then  they  had  to  struggle  m
            order to  come  back and  wm,  sometimes
                 they  couldn't  In  the  Canyon game,
              Canyon was on top 8-7, but the superior
                    strength  of the  Indians  rode  the
               Cowboys to a 17-14 wm, and that made
                      the  whole  season  worth  while.

                           Left  to  Right.  J  Shields,  J  Brady  M  McMahon,  S.  Morse,  P  Owens,  T  Guilmette,  G  Broman,  Coach  Barr  T
                           Gallinoto,  J  Mendoza,  A  Kassir  E.  Ellidge,  K.  Condor  B.  Bowers.

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