Page 23 - hart1986yearbook
P. 23

tinued to show a great
     students here al Harl c~n The  fine  Arts depart-
     interest in  art and ~us•~;sue their interests and
     n,enl enabl~d the~  o /nrollnienl increased again
     develop their talen s.   d trend  in  student
                · g an  upwar
     this  year-s  h  ow•~-  the  Ari  department,  r,1,ss
     involvenient.  Lea. ,ng  ted  courses  in  1wo  and
     r,tarY  Ann  G~hO  ,nst~uc  ·th  detailed  studies  in
    three  diniens1onal  ar '  ,v1  ·nt perspective. r,lrs.
    pencil and !"k froni a ::/:epartnienl ,vilh  ~er
    Vincent  gu1de_d  the !   ative  and  innovative
    enthusiasm--l"'planting  ~:~o-of-lhe·,veek displaY
    ideas- This  year. a new  p  holo rooni- The  niusic
    ,vas added ouls•~el o; :e !oral and  ;nstruniental
     departnienl  cons:-be  lions  Beginning  Choir,  and
     groups-Sound  , r:r th; guidance of r,trs. Starr.
    concert Choir, all und B  d  l,larching  band,  and
    The  Chieftains  Jazz  an  '·d  d bY  the  peerless
    syniphonic  band  -~;I :n; continued ;ts tradi-
    LarrY ThOrnton: The.  I  n,ental  students-coni·
     tion  of  excepli~n~I  '"!/~he  n,enibers  in  Honors
     prising  th~  rna1or1tY  ble took firs! place al the La
     band, The  1 azz ensern
     Mirada  cornPetition.
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