Page 25 - hart1987yearbook
P. 25

The 1987 Senior Class was advised by
                                      Mrs.  Lori  Huenink and  Mrs.  Ruth  Baker.
                                      Class  officers  included  President  Kathy
                                      Stokes, Vice President Alisa Land, Secre-
                                      tary  Cheryl  Baca,  Treasurer  Mark  Ken-
                                      dall, and  Representative  Kevin  Kraye.
                                        In  March,  the  seniors  sponsored  a
                                      dance in the cafeteria.  Seniors were ad-
                                      mitted free,  but all classes were invited.
                                      Those present witnessed Alisa Land get-
                                      ting a well-deserved face full of whipped
                                      cream.  Kathy  Stokes  had  the  honor of
                                      throwing this pie at Alisa.
                                        On the pages that follow, seniors can
                                      remember the faces and names of those
                                      who made their years at Hart special.

                                                                          Senior Biographies
                                                                       1)  Activities/Achieve-
                                                                       2)  Favorite  High  School
                                                                           Favorite Quote
                                                                       4)  Future Plans

                                                                                                      SENIORS 17
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